FBI raids home of Alaska couple in search of Pelosi’s stolen laptop: Reports

Among the narratives that emerged following January’s riot on Capitol Hill was the reported theft of a laptop computer belonging to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).

FBI agents apparently thought they found the woman who took it, but it appears that the agency was barking up the wrong tree.

“Almost right off the bat”

According to the Washington Examiner, federal investigators served a warrant at the home of Paul and Marilyn Hueper, who own a boutique hotel in Alaska. The FBI was under the impression that Marilyn Hueper, in particular, might have been the individual who took Pelosi’s laptop.

She recently discussed the incident with a local news outlet.

“So, I think almost right off the bat, they said, ‘Well, you probably know why we’re here,’ or something like that,” Hueper recalled. “It’s like, ‘Yeah, no, not really.’ And they said, ‘Well, we’re here for Nancy Pelosi’s laptop.’ And I said, ‘Oh.'”

Agents reportedly entered the property with guns drawn and proceeded to handcuff everyone inside — including the Huepers’ guests — while they conducted a court-backed search of the premesis. The search apparently included a forensic audit of Paul Hueper’s cellphone.

Marilyn Hueper said that she asked the FBI agents why they didn’t knock before entering, to which they allegedly claimed that they did but received no answer.

“Until it reaches the public realm”

She said they later provided her with a photo depicting a woman from the riot at the Capitol building, acknowledging that the individual looked very similar to her but insisting that it was not her.

The FBI has subsequently confirmed that it did execute a search warrant at the Huepers’ property.

“While individuals are free to speak about their interactions with the FBI, we do not, as a matter of practice, discuss or describe any contact we have or allegedly have with individuals,” said FBI spokesperson Chloe Martin. “At this time, and until it reaches the public realm, we can’t discuss the details.”

As for her actions on Jan. 6, Marilyn Hueper said she and her husband were in D.C. on vacation and attended the rally held by then-President Donald Trump, though she denies participating in the siege of the Capitol building that followed.

Prior reports indicated that a Pennsylvania woman was arrested in connection with the laptop theft.

The post FBI raids home of Alaska couple in search of Pelosi’s stolen laptop: Reports first appeared on Conservative Institute.

FBI raids home of Alaska couple in search of Pelosi’s stolen laptop: Reports FBI raids home of Alaska couple in search of Pelosi’s stolen laptop: Reports Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on May 01, 2021 Rating: 5

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