Dem. Sen. Manchin comes out against D.C. statehood, federalizing elections

President Joe Biden and his cohorts in Congress just got some more bad news . . . from a key Democrat.

Reports indicate that Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) has just come out as against two big pieces of legislation that Biden and far-left congressional Democrats are looking to get passed. 

Manchin’s, currently, is one of the most powerful votes in the Senate. That’s because the Senate is currently split 51 to 50, if one counts Vice President Kamala Harris’ tie-breaking vote as the Democrats’ 51st vote, and, in order for Biden and congressional Democrats to have any chance at getting their agenda passed they need all Senate Democrats on board.

The good news for Republicans and for Americans, in general, is that Manchin has held his ground in refusing to support efforts to eliminate the Senate filibuster and to push Biden’s spending measures using the reconciliation process.

Manchin, a “nay” for H.R. 1

Now, Manchin has just come out as against two crucial pieces of legislation for the Democrats.

One is the Democrats’ election reform bill H.R. 1, which Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and her fellow Democrats have already pushed through the House.

Manchin recently said, according to Breitbart, that he “would not be able to support” H.R. 1, which would have the effect of federalizing all elections.

“How in the world could you, with the tension we have right now, allow a voting bill to restructure the voting of America on a partisan line?” Manchin recently asked. “I just believe with all my heart and soul that’s what would happen, and I’m not going to be part of it.”

Also a “nay” on D.C. statehood

Another major bill that Manchin has come out against is one that would turn the District of Columbia into the 51st state. This, of course, would result in the Democrats getting more representation in the government, which is why some are referring to the bill as a fairly naked power grab.

Pelosi’s House, too, already pushed this measure through. But, Manchin is looking to slow Senate Democrats down.

“If Congress wants to make D.C. a state, it should propose a constitutional amendment … and let the people of America vote,” Manchin said on Friday. “Every legal scholar has told us that. So, why not do it the right way and let the people vote to see if they want to change?”

As long as Manchin stays firm, it appears that America at least has a chance at making it through Biden’s presidency.

The post Dem. Sen. Manchin comes out against D.C. statehood, federalizing elections first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Dem. Sen. Manchin comes out against D.C. statehood, federalizing elections Dem. Sen. Manchin comes out against D.C. statehood, federalizing elections Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on May 01, 2021 Rating: 5

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