Poll finds majority of Americans disapprove of Biden’s handling of immigration

President Joe Biden is blaming everyone and everything but himself for the crisis at the southern border, but the propaganda isn’t convincing everyone.

While Democrats are still giving Biden a chance, a majority of Americans disapprove of how he is handling immigration, a new poll finds, Fox News reported.

The survey from Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research finds 74% of Democrats approve of Biden’s handling of immigration and border security, but Republicans and independents expressed broad disapproval.

Poll: Majority of Americans disapprove

The poll was conducted March 25 to 29 with a sample of 1,166 adults, and a sampling error of 3.6 percentage points. Fifty-five percent of Americans disapprove of Biden’s job on border security, including 62% of independents, while just 44% overall approve.

Again, on the child migrant crisis, Democrats are an outlier. Just 24% approve overall, while 40% disapprove, including 43% of independents, but 44% of Democrats think Biden is doing a good job with the crisis.

Meanwhile, the number of migrants apprehended at the border shot to 170,000 in March, an increase from 100,000 in February. Among those seeking entry into the country are two men on the terror watch list who were recently arrested.

The approval of Democrats with the chaos seems related to a more tolerant attitude to illegal immigration: only 22% found illegal immigration very concerning. They thought the government should prioritize amnesty for DREAMers, reuniting families and treating migrant children safely.

Biden’s open borders

Overall, the results are what one might expect for a president who has shown little interest in taking ownership of a crisis caused by his own policies. Biden has not yet visited the border, and there is no clear indication that he plans to change that.

What’s more, Biden’s de facto open borders agenda is not popular. The poll found Americans mostly want immigration to stay the same or decrease, with only 28% saying they favor an increase.

Biden has also limited transparency at overcrowded “cages” on the border where thousands of migrants children are being kept in squalid conditions. Biden has largely opted to blame Donald Trump for the current surge and deep-seated causes beyond America’s ability to solve, like poverty in Central America.

But in some truly surprising news Tuesday, the Biden administration is considering “filling in the gaps” of Trump’s border wall.

That would seem a tacit admission that their propaganda blaming Trump has been a smokescreen for Biden’s dopey agenda, but we’re not expecting any apologies anytime soon.

The post Poll finds majority of Americans disapprove of Biden’s handling of immigration first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Poll finds majority of Americans disapprove of Biden’s handling of immigration Poll finds majority of Americans disapprove of Biden’s handling of immigration Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on April 06, 2021 Rating: 5

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