‘Dishonest hack’: GOP Rep. Zeldin blasts Pelosi for downplaying border crisis, calls for ‘new blood’ in Congress

Despite evidence to the contrary, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) insisted this week that the situation on the nation’s southern border is “on a good path” under the leadership of President Joe Biden.

Her assessment did not sit well with critics like U.S. Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY), who responded by calling the Democratic leader a “dishonest hack” who deserved to be replaced as speaker.

“A very bad situation”

Zeldin’s remarks came during a Fox News Channel appearance this week following a clip of Pelosi downplaying the surge of undocumented migrants along the U.S.-Mexico border.

“The fact is, is that we’re on a good path at the border under the leadership of … President Biden,” she said on Wednesday, asserting that the nation was “in a very bad situation under the Trump administration.”

Asked for his thoughts, the congressman said that Pelosi’s comments serve as “a reminder that between Nancy Pelosi, [Rep.] Steny Hoyer [of Maryland], and [Rep.] James Clyburn [of South Carolina], the top three members of the House Democratic leadership — the top three members of House leadership — they have been serving now in the House of Representatives for well over 100 years.”

Zeldin went on to declare that the time has come for a fresh crop of congressional leaders.

“We need to bring in new blood, new ideas, because you have people like Speaker Pelosi who’s just a dishonest hack on stuff like this,” he added.

“The crisis will only get worse”

The nation needs “people to be honest about what’s happening” on the border “because the crisis will only get worse until someone like Speaker Pelosi listens to some of her Texas Democrats in her delegation who say, ‘Hey, listen, there’s a crisis, I see it in my district and you better do something about it, because it’s coming to your district if you don’t stop it.”

Prior to his blunt denunciation of Pelosi’s remarks, Zeldin called out the Biden administration and the Democratic Party as a whole for trying to have it both ways in determining whether there is a border crisis and, if so, who is to blame.

He said that the immigration problem is likely to deteriorate because “the Biden administration is trying two different narratives” by declaring on one hand “that there is no crisis” and on the other that “there is a crisis and it’s all Trump’s fault.”

For his part, Zeldin was clear in placing the blame on Biden, insisting that the president’s campaign rhetoric on immigration issues was compounded by his policies upon taking office — including a halt on border wall construction, a moratorium on deportations, and proposed amnesty for millions of undocumented immigrants.

“On so many different levels, the policies are incentivizing this,” the New York Republican said of the crisis on the border.

The post ‘Dishonest hack’: GOP Rep. Zeldin blasts Pelosi for downplaying border crisis, calls for ‘new blood’ in Congress first appeared on Conservative Institute.

‘Dishonest hack’: GOP Rep. Zeldin blasts Pelosi for downplaying border crisis, calls for ‘new blood’ in Congress ‘Dishonest hack’: GOP Rep. Zeldin blasts Pelosi for downplaying border crisis, calls for ‘new blood’ in Congress Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on April 09, 2021 Rating: 5

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