Sen. Murphy: more gun control is coming

Breitbart reports that one Senate Democrat just admitted that his party’s universal background check bill is only a stepping stone to more gun control measures. 

That admission was made by Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) during an appearance on NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday.

“Other interventions”

During that appearance, Murphy opined that, at the moment, the universal background check bill is the measure that congressional Democrats have the best chance at getting through Congress at the moment.

“I think right now, our best chance to get something passed is universal background checks,” Murphy said.

What Murphy was referring to here is H.R. 8, a bill that looks to require background checks for virtually all gun sales, including private ones. The House passed the bill earlier this month, and now Democrats are trying to find a way to get it through the Senate, a task made more difficult by the Senate filibuster.

Murphy continued, on Sunday, by saying that once the Democrats get H.R. 8 through the Senate, then they can look to pass “other interventions.

“And, I think that the theory of the case is once we can convince Republicans that the sky doesn’t fall for you politically when you support a reasonable expansion of something like background checks, you can move on to other interventions,” Murphy said.

Murphy went on to suggest what these “other interventions” might look like. One thing that he suggested, according to Breitbart, is the “broadening of factors that will land an individual on the prohibited purchasers’ list.” And, another measure he suggested was federalizing Connecticut’s gun owner permitting system.


This gun control push comes after two recent high-profile shootings took place, one in Boulder, Colorado, and another in Atlanta Georgia. The Democrats have been trying to use these tragedies to pass their long-desired gun control measures.

The problem, of course, is that these shooting often do not fit their narrative. The man who committed the Boulder shooting, for example, obtained his firearm at a retail store after passing a background check.

Nonetheless, the Democrats, including President Joe Biden, continue to push such legislation. Biden, himself, is looking to see whether he could pass some gun control measures by way of an executive order.

As long a the Senate filibuster is in place, though, it appears unlikely that the Democrats will get anywhere.

The post Sen. Murphy: more gun control is coming first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Sen. Murphy: more gun control is coming Sen. Murphy: more gun control is coming Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on March 29, 2021 Rating: 5

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