GOP Rep says Pelosi’s security ‘theater’ at Capitol is meant to suggest ‘Republicans are dangerous’

On the heels of the continued controversy surrounding the extreme security measures still in place at the U.S. Capitol complex, one Republican representative just exposed what he believes to be House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) dirty little secret.

During a radio interview on Friday, Rep. Mike Rogers (R-AL) revealed that he believes the purpose of the added security measures around the U.S. Capitol, thanks in part to decisions made by Pelosi, is “to create the impression that Republicans are dangerous,” according to Breitbart. 

“Absolutely no reason”

Rogers’ stunning comments came during an interview on Friday with Mobile, Alabama’s Radio FM Talk 106.5. The Alabama lawmaker began by discussing the fencing that was erected around the Capitol following the violent riots that unfolded on Jan. 6 as Congress assembled to certify the 2020 election.

“There’s absolutely no reason for that fencing to be up anymore,” Rogers said. “There never was any reason.”

According to Rogers, the riot was the result of “poor planning on the part of the Capitol police and the Metropolitan police.” He went on to note that there are “much bigger protests in Washington on a regular basis.”

However, Rogers said that despite police and federal agencies having “good intel” with regard to the possibility of a dangerous situation unfolding on that day, local law enforcement “just did a terrible job of planning for it.”

It’s all “theater”

Rogers went on to argue that the added security measures at the Capitol, such as the prison-like fencing and U.S. National Guard troops, are nothing more than political “theater” orchestrated, in part, by Pelosi.

“But there was never a reason to bring in all the fencing and the razor wire and the large presence of National Guardsmen,” Rogers said. “That’s all theater that Nancy Pelosi is trying to create the impression that Republicans are dangerous and Trump was the cause of all of this. It’s silly.”

Rogers added that the “most outrageous” thing currently happening is that Pelosi requires House members to “walk through magnetometers to go on the House floor.”

“If you don’t walk through them, then you get hit with a $5,000 fine that they automatically deduct from your next paycheck,” Rogers said. “She’s just out of control.”

The latest

Recently, it was reported that the U.S. Secretary of Defense approved an extension to keep the National Guard deployed at the U.S. Capitol until May 23. Several rationales were given by leadership for the decision, including one which said that the troops are needed for threat prevention and another which indicated that the troops are needed to help short-staffed, local police.

After a quick glance through social media feeds on the topic, it’s clear that Rogers isn’t the only person who believes Pelosi is using both the National Guard soldiers and the fencing as props to create the false impression that nefarious threats from right-wing extremists are always on the horizon.

The post GOP Rep says Pelosi’s security ‘theater’ at Capitol is meant to suggest ‘Republicans are dangerous’ first appeared on Conservative Institute.

GOP Rep says Pelosi’s security ‘theater’ at Capitol is meant to suggest ‘Republicans are dangerous’ GOP Rep says Pelosi’s security ‘theater’ at Capitol is meant to suggest ‘Republicans are dangerous’ Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on March 28, 2021 Rating: 5

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