Pres. Biden signs an executive order significantly raising America’s refugee cap

President Joe Biden continued his quest to undo former President Donald Trump’s immigration policies on Thursday.

Breitbart reports that Biden has signed an executive order that will increase the number of refugees that the United States will accept by over 100,000. 

Undoing Trump’s immigration policies

Since taking office on January 20th, Biden has signed a large number of executive orders. Many of them have targeted the pro-American immigration policies enacted by the Trump administration. One of the executive orders signed by Biden on Thursday would fit into this category.

This particularly executive order has to do with America’s refugee cap – the number of refugees that the American government is willing to accept each year.

When former President Obama left office, this refugee cap was at 110,000. Trump, over the course of his four years in office, significantly lowered that number.

During Trump’s first year in office, the refugee cap went from Obama’s 110,000 to 50,000. In Trump’s second year, it went from 50,000 to 45,000. It went from 45,000 to 30,000 in Trump’s third year. And, finally, in 2020, Trump’s last year, the cap went from 30,000 down to 18,000.

Trump exited office with a proposal to lower the refugee cap again to 15,000, marking a historic low.

Biden’s latest immigration order

To repeat, America’s refugee cap went from 110,000 under Obama to 18,000 under Trump – a gradual change that took four years to implement. Now, however, Biden wants to undo all of this in less than half that time.

Biden on Thursday signed an executive order looking to raise America’s refugee cap to 125,000 by the end of the 2022 fiscal year. In the executive order, Biden does state that he intends to consult with Congress on the matter, but, with Congress currently under the control of the Democrats, this is likely an empty statement.

Biden, speaking at the State Department on Thursday, said, “It’s going to take time to rebuild what has been so badly damaged, but that’s precisely what we’re going to do.”

Antony Blinken, Biden’s Secretary of state, also commented upon Biden’s latest immigration executive order. He said:

Over the coming months and years, we will rebuild and expand the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program and other humanitarian programs so they reflect our values as a nation and are commensurate with global need, consistent with our domestic laws and international obligations, as well as our fundamental responsibility for the safety and security of the American people.

Many argue that Obama and the Democrats’ immigration policies are a large part of what led to Trump’s election in the first place. Let’s hope then that Biden is sealing the Democrats’ political fate with all of these immigration executive orders.

The post Pres. Biden signs an executive order significantly raising America’s refugee cap first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Pres. Biden signs an executive order significantly raising America’s refugee cap Pres. Biden signs an executive order significantly raising America’s refugee cap Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on February 05, 2021 Rating: 5

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