Pres. Biden revokes Trump’s U.S. citizenship test

If you haven’t gotten the hint by now, the early goal of the Biden administration is to undo everything that the Trump administration did: to return to the U.S. government to pre-Trump days. We have already seen this in many areas, but nowhere has it been more striking than in the area of immigration. Biden is opening the borders back up, and now he is significantly lowering the bar for U.S. citizenship.

Breitbart reports that the Biden administration has decided to scrap the December 2020 upgrade to the U.S. citizenship test and to replace it with the much more simplistic 2008 test. 

The 2008 U.S. citizenship test

According to Rob Law, the former head of the Office of Policy and Strategy at USCIS, where the U.S. citizenship test is reviewed and approved, the 2008 version of the test is nothing more than “a simple memory test.”

The 2008 U.S. citizenship test is comprised of mostly factoid-type questions. Examples include: “in what month do we vote for President?” or “What are the two major parties in the United States?” or “How old do citizens have to be to vote for President?”

Those being tested would have to answer six out of twelve questions drawn from the 100 question study guidebook correctly.

This was not always the way the U.S. citizenship test was. Rather the 2008 test was based on a similar test that was enacted in 1986 after the amnesty that occurred that year.

Trump’s Test

Prior to 1986, the U.S. citizenship test focused much more on “why?” questions. And, in December 2020, the Trump administration replaced the 2008 U.S. citizenship test with a new test that returned the focus to these “why?” questions.

One question on the 2020 test, for example, asks: “There are three branches of government. Why?” The provided answer is “So one part does not become too powerful. Checks and balances. Separation of powers.”

Here, those being tested would have to answer twelve out of twenty questions from the 128 question study guidebook correctly.

As Law explains, the goal of the 2020 test “was not to make it impossible to pass, but to make the test more meaningful and to require knowledge of the principles of American society.”

This certainly makes a lot of sense. But, the Biden administration has now scrapped the 2020 test because it “may inadvertently create potential barriers to the naturalization process.”

The 2008 U.S. citizenship will replace Trump’s test in April.

The post Pres. Biden revokes Trump’s U.S. citizenship test first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Pres. Biden revokes Trump’s U.S. citizenship test Pres. Biden revokes Trump’s U.S. citizenship test Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on February 25, 2021 Rating: 5

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