Janice Dean slams Cuomo as pressure mounts for accountability over New York nursing home scandal

Fox News senior meteorologist Janice Dean has been speaking out against New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) since her parents died from COVID-19 in a nursing home in the state last year, a tragedy she’s blamed on Cuomo’s policy ordering assisted living facilities to accept coronavirus-positive seniors, where they could infect other residents making their recoveries.

According to Mediaite, Dean confirmed Wednesday that she isn’t done fighting for accountability yet. At a rally held by Democratic New York state Assemblyman Ron Kim, the Fox star called for Cuomo to face consequences over the nursing home order and demanded an investigation into the deaths that followed.

In the meantime, pressure is mounting on the Empire State’s Democrat governor to resign or face criminal prosecution for his March 25 mandate that sent 9,000 patients with COVID-19 back into nursing homes, and the alleged cover-up of the extent of the deaths that followed.

“We had no idea there was a March 25th order to put over 9000 COVID-positive patients into nursing homes,” Dean said Wednesday, according to Mediaite. “I wish we had known that.”

“Shouting from the rooftops”

Dean also expressed anger Wednesday that Cuomo has been blaming “God, Mother Nature, Fox News,” and nursing home staff for the deaths instead of taking responsibility for his policies.

“A lot of news agencies, news companies, think that this is breaking news,” she said, as Mediaite reported. “We have been shouting from the rooftops for 10 months!”

Dean went on: “I have yet to hear this governor say, in front of a microphone, I am sorry for your loss. That would have been a good start.” Take a look:

Cuomo bleeding support

Media outlets including the New York Post are now calling for Cuomo to be impeached, and some in the state government are moving in that direction.

Not only did Cuomo allegedly make disastrous decisions about nursing home patients, but he is also accused of covering it up and threatening those like Assemblyman Kim, who lost an uncle in a New York nursing home, to try to keep his actions under wraps.

Cuomo has also been accused of sexual harassment and intimidation by a former aide, Lindsey Boylan. Those allegations could be further investigated in light of new details she gave in a Medium post on Wednesday.

Indeed, it has become clear that Cuomo is not the hero the media tried to make him out to be during the initial months of the pandemic. While society gave him awards and contracted to publish smarmy books about how great he was, that doesn’t begin to represent what was apparently going on behind the scenes.

The post Janice Dean slams Cuomo as pressure mounts for accountability over New York nursing home scandal first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Janice Dean slams Cuomo as pressure mounts for accountability over New York nursing home scandal Janice Dean slams Cuomo as pressure mounts for accountability over New York nursing home scandal Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on February 25, 2021 Rating: 5

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