‘Inconsistent’: Right-wing figures increase calls for Fauci to be fired

Despite his prominent position as the top White House coronavirus adviser under both former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden, it remains clear that not all Americans are fans of Dr. Anthony Fauci.

The infectious disease expert has become increasingly unpopular among many conservatives in the wake of recent remarks about the pandemic, prompting some right-wing figures to call for him to be fired or resign.

“The Biden administration should remove him”

Even Meghan McCain, the ostensibly conservative voice on ABC’s The View, has apparently had enough of Fauci, as she revealed during a recent segment of the talk show.

“I’m over Dr. Fauci,” said the daughter of the late U.S. Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), going on to call the White House adviser’s strategy “inconsistent.”

According to McCain, the nation would benefit from having “more people giving more opinions,” asserting her belief that “the Biden administration should remove him and put someone else in place that maybe does understand science or can talk to other countries about how we can be more like these places that are doing this successfully.”

Her remarks came after a CNN interview during which Fauci avoided directly answering a question regarding whether it would be safe for elderly Americans who had been vaccinated to visit with their grandchildren.

Clinical trials show the leading vaccines are highly effective at reducing a recipient’s chances of contracting or spreading the virus.

“Downtalking the efficacy of vaccines”

Furthermore, Israeli reports indicate that the chances of someone becoming seriously ill upon becoming infected after getting a vaccine is very near zero.

Nevertheless, Fauci apparently believes that COVID-19 warrants practices that would never be advised for other conditions or diseases with such negligible risk.

McCain is not alone in her call for Fauci to be replaced. In a pithy tweet from conservative pundit Ben Shapiro, he advised: “Fauci should be fired.”

In subsequent posts, he accused Fauci of “downtalking the efficacy of vaccines” and parroting the rhetoric of teachers’ unions regarding in-person education.

The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh took an even blunter approach, tweeting: “Fauci is the perfect government employee. Completely ineffectual, failure after failure, has presided over a disaster, can’t even keep his own excuses straight, yet still has his job.”

The post ‘Inconsistent’: Right-wing figures increase calls for Fauci to be fired first appeared on Conservative Institute.

‘Inconsistent’: Right-wing figures increase calls for Fauci to be fired ‘Inconsistent’: Right-wing figures increase calls for Fauci to be fired Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on February 23, 2021 Rating: 5

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