Former Trump administration officials nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

The Trump Administration just got another Nobel Peace Prize nomination.

Reuters reports that former Trump administration White House senior advisers Jared Kushner and Avi Berkowitz, Kushner’s deputy, received a nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize for their role in bringing about the Abraham Accords. 

The Abraham Accords are the Middle East peace deals that Kushner and Berkowitz brokered on behalf of the Trump administration. What Kushner and Berkowitz actually did was establish diplomatic relations between Israel and, thus far, four other Middle Eastern countries: the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco.

Donald Trump, when he was still U.S. president, was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for these same peace agreements back in September of 2020. But, he did not get the nod, and many believe that the reason was political.

Overdue recognition

The nomination of Kushner and Berkowitz for the Nobel Peace Prize was made by well-known attorney Alan Dershowitz. Dershowitz is eligible to make such a nomination because he is a professor emeritus of Harvard Law School.

“The Nobel Peace Prize is not for popularity,” Dershowitz wrote in his letter to the Nobel Peace Prize committee. “Nor is it an assessment of what the international community may think of those who helped bring about peace. It is an award for fulfilling the daunting criteria set out by Alfred Nobel in his will.”

You can read Nobel’s will for yourself here.

Dershowitz continued:

These Accords, which have brought about normalization between Israel and several Sunni Arab nations, fulfill all the criteria for the prize. They hold the promise of an even broader peace in the Middle East between Israel, the Palestinians, and other Arab nations. They are a giant step forward in bringing peace and stability to the region, and even to the world.

Other nominations

In making his case for Kushner and Berkowitz, Dershowitz was clearly taking a shot at other nominees that have recently been named.

One such nominee is Black Lives Matter. Petter Eide, a member of Norway’s parliament, submitted a nomination claiming that Black Lives Matter has been “a very important worldwide movement to fight racial injustice,” a movement that Eide says has been mostly “peaceful.”

Studies, however, such as this one from Princeton University, would suggest otherwise. It shows that Black Lives Matter was associated with riots that took place in 48 out of 50 of America’s largest cities.

As Dershowitz put it in a recent interview with Newsmax, “The Abraham accords fits all of those [criteria established by Alfred Nobel]. And yet, Black Lives Matter has been nominated to win the Nobel Prize and they don’t fit any of the criteria.”

The post Former Trump administration officials nominated for Nobel Peace Prize first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Former Trump administration officials nominated for Nobel Peace Prize Former Trump administration officials nominated for Nobel Peace Prize Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on February 02, 2021 Rating: 5

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