Texas sues swing states that went for Biden, alleging executive, judicial rule changes unconstitutional

The state of Texas filed a lawsuit Tuesday with the U.S. Supreme Court against the states of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia and Wisconsin, saying that rule changes made in those states by governors and courts are unconstitutional and must be struck down.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced the suit, which seeks to invalidate the election results in those states and block the states from voting in the Electoral College.

It is an unprecedented case, and some consider it a long shot as far as overturning hundreds of thousands of ballots in these four states.

The state could file directly with the U.S. Supreme Court because it involved conflicts between two or more states.

Election rule changes were illegal and allowed fraud

Paxton claimed in the suit that the four states named in the suit broke the law by changing election rules “through executive fiat or friendly lawsuits, thereby weakening ballot integrity.”

The rule changes allowed voter fraud to occur, he continued, and the Supreme Court should push the Electoral College voting deadline back from December 14.

“That deadline . . . should not cement a potentially illegitimate election result in the middle of this storm,” attorneys for Texas wrote.

States push back

Leaders from the four states named in the suit denied Paxton’s claims and said fraud had not been proven so far.

“The allegations in the lawsuit are false and irresponsible,” Georgia’s deputy secretary of state, Jordan Fuchs, said in a statement Tuesday. “Texas alleges that there are 80,000 forged signatures on absentee ballots in Georgia, but they don’t bring forward a single person who this happened to. That’s because it didn’t happen.”

Others said Texas did not have standing to sue other states over how they choose electors, but Paxton said in the brief his state’s standing was not about electors or even who the president would be, but had to do with the vice-president, who represents a tie-breaking vote in the Senate.

The post Texas sues swing states that went for Biden, alleging executive, judicial rule changes unconstitutional first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Texas sues swing states that went for Biden, alleging executive, judicial rule changes unconstitutional Texas sues swing states that went for Biden, alleging executive, judicial rule changes unconstitutional Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on December 08, 2020 Rating: 5

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