Congress votes to cut ICE’s funding

Breitbart reports that Congress has passed a bill that cuts funding for the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency. 

This particular bill is the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) 2021 spending bill. According to a summary of the bill released by the Appropriation Committee’s minority leader, Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT), “the bill provides $7.97 billion, which is $107 million less than fiscal year 2020 and $1.96 billion less than the President’s budget request.”

Is it the end of Trump’s “America first” initiative?

The very next line of Leahy’s summary reads: “The bill funds 34,000 detention beds, which is 26,000 beds less than the President’s budget request and 11,274 less than fiscal year 2020.”

In its report, Breitbart explains how this will lead to the “restart [of] the catch-and-release of economic migrants,” which in turn will hurt job-seeking Americans.

“If ICE does not have enough detention beds, it must release the migrants into the United States, where they will take jobs from Americans to repay their smuggling loans,” Breitbart writes. “The loans often use family farms and homes as collateral, putting migrants under extreme pressure to work for wages far below Americans’ levels. This profitable economic process spiked the number of migrants from low levels in 2009 to almost one million in 2019.”

According to Breitbart, this isn’t the only provision that will hurt job-seeking Americans either. Another is the inclusion of “$440 million for Alternatives to Detention (ATD), which is approximately $86 million more than the President’s budget request and $120 million more than fiscal year 2020.”

A massive migration wave is on the way

According to Breitbart, Biden “promises to let companies import more visa workers, to let mayors import temporary workers, to accelerate the inflow of chain-migration migrants, to end migration enforcement against illegal aliens unless they commit a felony, and to accelerate the inflow of poor refugees to at least 125,000 per year.”

Reports indicate that there could be a large increase of migrants to America under Joe Biden as a result of these pro-immigration policies.

The Wall Street Journal even reported that “The Biden transition team has grown concerned about a surge of asylum seekers at the border.” The outlet added that deputies are “trying to decide which policies to change and when, in order to fulfill Mr. Biden’s campaign promises without creating the appearance of leniency, according to people familiar with the matter.”

Considering this “new rush at the border,” as the New York Times referred to it, it is concerning that Congress is reducing the funding of ICE. It will only encourage a bigger rush, and there will be fewer resources to deal with it.

Behind the cloak

Breitbart’s Neil Munro explained what is really going on here. No one can deny that President Donald Trump’s America first policy has been good for the American worker, but it hasn’t good for, in Munro’s words, “progressives, companies, and Wall Street investors, all of whom gain from a growing number of migrant workers, shoppers, and renters.” As Munro explains, with the facts to back it up:

Migration moves money from employees to employers, from families to investors, from young to old, from children to their parents, from homebuyers to real estate investors, and from the central states to the coastal states.

Migration also allows investors and CEOs to skimp on labor-saving technology, sideline U.S. minorities, ignore disabled people, exploit stoop labor in the fields, short-change labor in the cities, impose tight control and pay cuts on American professionals, corral technological innovation by minimizing the employment of American grads, undermine labor rights, and even get many progressive journalists to cheerlead for Wall Street’s priorities.

This is what’s happening. Americans are being returned to the back seat in order to get money back into the hands of those who profit at the expense of Americans.

The post Congress votes to cut ICE's funding first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Congress votes to cut ICE’s funding Congress votes to cut ICE’s funding Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on December 22, 2020 Rating: 5

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