Trump admin: More Middle East peace deals are coming

According to National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien, more Middle East peace deals are on the way. 

O’Brien made the announcement, according to Breitbart, during Wednesday’s edition of the “Hugh Hewitt Show.”

“[W]e have three peace deals with the Israelis between the UAE, Bahrain, and Sudan. There are more coming,” O’Brien said.

He continued:

And one of the reasons that there’s an interest, I think, between the Arabs and the Israelis in getting together and putting aside old differences and embracing a common future which is great for their people and great for the economies of the region, is a shared distrust and dislike of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which is the largest state sponsor of terrorism, and is racing to get a nuclear weapon.

The three deals already made

In August, President Donald Trump announced that his administration had managed to secure a historic peace deal between the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Israel. More Middle East peace deals were expected to follow, and they have.

Not long thereafter, in September, the president brokered a deal between Israel and Bahrain. And then, in October, yet another peace deal was announced between Israel and Sudan.

For these accomplishments, which are known as the Abraham Accords, President Trump received numerous nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize. He didn’t win, but there were strong arguments for why he should have.

Looking forward

It was John Kerry, the former secretary of state, who claimed in 2016 that the sort of Middle East Peace Deals that President Trump and his administration have accomplished would be impossible without the Palestinians.

“I can tell you that, reaffirmed within the last week because I’ve talked to the leaders of the Arab community, there will be no advanced and separate peace with the Arab world without the Palestinian process and Palestinian peace,” Kerry is on the record as having said. “Everybody needs to understand that. That is a hard reality.”

We now know that Kerry was wrong. (We also know that, if Joe Biden becomes president, Kerry will lead the way, this time, on climate change.)

O’Brien suggested that one of the reasons why these peace deals have been possible is the hardline stance that the United States has taken toward Iran: Most notably, the Trump administration withdrew from former president Barrack Obama’s Iran Deal.

In other words, the unifying theme has been opposition to Iran. The New York Times reports that Biden as president would look to reenter that Iran Deal. If this does come to pass, then this necessary condition for unity could be compromised and any progress made by the Trump administration toward Middle East peace could be undone.

The post Trump admin: More Middle East peace deals are coming first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Trump admin: More Middle East peace deals are coming Trump admin: More Middle East peace deals are coming Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on November 27, 2020 Rating: 5

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