Pelosi: Flynn pardon was an act of ‘grave corruption’

President Trump shocked the nation by issuing a full presidential pardon for his former National Security Adviser, Michael Flynn this week after years of relentless persecution from the left.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) responded to the news by issuing a furious proclamation condemning the pardon and claiming that Trump’s decision was a “brazen abuse of power.”

Triggering the left

“It is my Great Honor to announce that General Michael T. Flynn has been granted a Full Pardon,” Trump tweeted on Wednesday in a surprise announcement — immediately initiating a wave of hysterical condemnations of Flynn.

Pelosi, who has made it her mission to obstruct and undermine President Trump at every turn, wasted no time issuing a statement calling the action unjustified and hyperventilating about Trump’s ‘abuse’ of his presidential pardoning powers.

“President Trump’s pardoning of Michael Flynn, who twice pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his dealings with a foreign adversary, is an act of grave corruption and a brazen abuse of power,” Pelosi declared.

“Trump is again using the pardon power to protect those who lie to cover up his wrongdoing, just as he did when he commuted the sentence of campaign advisor Roger Stone, who was convicted on seven felony counts,” she continued.

Pelosi went on to claim that Flynn’s actions as NSA “constituted a serious and dangerous breach of our national security” and that “he must be held accountable.” The Democrat leader added a call to action for readers to support her “Protecting Our Democracy Act,” which seeks to prevent “any president from abusing the pardon power.”

Clinging to the Democrat narrative

Democrats like Pelosi refuse to acknowledge that Flynn was set up by bad actors in the outgoing Obama administration intelligence community. Obama’s FBI was monitoring former Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn — then an adviser to the Trump campaign — as part of the Russia collusion investigation in 2016 and 2017.

After Trump took office, the investigation began to fizzle out, and in an effort to keep the probe open, Obama’s FBI conspired to “get [Mr. Flynn] to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired.” The FBI went with prosecution and strong-armed Flynn into pleaded guilty to lying to a federal agent by threatening to go after his family.

Flynn withdrew his guilty plea after evidence proving that the FBI manipulated evidence and set him up was exposed, and Attorney General Bill Barr reviewed the case and recommended all charges be dropped earlier this year — but activist judge Emmet Sullivan refused to comply with the request, and Flynn has been in legal hell ever since.

Despite clear evidence that Flynn was entrapped by activists within the FBI, Democrats like Pelosi cling to the narrative that Flynn is a criminal. They have to, because admitting that Flynn was unfairly targeted opens the door to being forced to admit a lot of things about their treatment of the Trump campaign and administration.

As White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany noted in a statement after Flynn’s pardon:

General Flynn should not require a pardon. He is an innocent man. Even the FBI agents who interviewed General Flynn did not think he was lying  Multiple investigations have produced evidence establishing that General Flynn was the victim of partisan government officials engaged in a coordinated attempt to subvert the election of 2016 … While today’s action sets right an injustice against an innocent man and an American hero, it should also serve as a reminder to all of us that we must remain vigilant over those in whom we place our trust and confidence.

The post Pelosi: Flynn pardon was an act of 'grave corruption' first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Pelosi: Flynn pardon was an act of ‘grave corruption’ Pelosi: Flynn pardon was an act of ‘grave corruption’ Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on November 27, 2020 Rating: 5

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