Kamala Harris attacked for hypocritical tweets

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) has been very quiet in the aftermath of the election, but broke her silence this week to issue a tweet declaring her support for American small businesses — especially Black and minority-owned businesses.

However, Harris’s pandering appears to have backfired on her, as Twitter users quickly exposed Harris’s past support for violent riots and protests over the summer that decimated many of those very businesses she claims to support. 

Harris gets rocked

Small businesses, especially Black and minority-owned businesses, urgently need relief to survive the effects of coronavirus this winter,” Harris wrote on Saturday. “@JoeBiden and I are committed to helping these businesses during this pandemic and get them the support they need to thrive in years to come.”

Efforts to renew coronavirus relief legislation have fallen flat for months as House Democrats refuse to compromise with the White House or the GOP-controlled Senate.

Democrats have launched a campaign to place the blame for stalled relief on President Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), hence Harris’s veiled jab about small business relief.

However, Twitter users immediately fired back at Harris with her own words, highlighting a June tweet urging supporters to donate to a bail fund for Minneapolis rioters arrested for looting and burning small businesses during the George Floyd “protests.”

“If you’re able to, chip in now to the @MNFreedomFund to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota,” Harris tweeted on June 1.

Twitter users mercilessly dragged Harris in the replies. One commenter wrote: “The same businesses that were looted and destroyed during rioting? By the same people for which you helped raise the funding for their bail and legal costs? Hmmmm.”

Another user snapped back, “Remember when you were fundraising to bail out criminals who destroyed small businesses during the riots?”

Racial emphasis

Other users complained about Harris’s emphasis on race, asking why Harris is only advocating for increased support for Black and minority-owned businesses.

“Newsflash madam Vice-president elect: repectfully, you need to represent, “ESPECIALLY”, ALL Americans’ biz,” wrote one user. “The need is universal, and critical. Please don’t single out groups for your attention.”

Harris’s radical views helped keep her from even reaching the Democrat primaries, forcing her to drop out of the race in December of 2019 — and the negative attention she receives for publically confirming her leftist views makes it not surprising that she’s remained under the radar while the election conflict is worked out.

The post Kamala Harris attacked for hypocritical tweets first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Kamala Harris attacked for hypocritical tweets Kamala Harris attacked for hypocritical tweets Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on November 30, 2020 Rating: 5

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