Domenech: Biden DOJ will likely go after Trump to ‘satisfy’ progressive base

A number of Democrats have expressed a desire to seek retribution against President Donald Trump and members of his administration, likely by way of investigations and prosecutions of perceived criminal wrongdoing, both real and imagined, by a Democrat-led Department of Justice.

The Federalist’s Ben Domenech believes that is exactly what will happen if Democratic nominee Joe Biden ends up in the White House. With a Republican senate likely to block major progressive policy achievements like a Green New Deal, Biden will have to turn to investigating Trump to keep his far-left supporters satisfied, Domenech predicted.

Domenech’s comments came during an appearance Monday on “Fox & Friends,” in response to comments made a day earlier by Ron Klain, Biden’s pick to be his chief of staff. Klain had downplayed the potential for anti-Trump investigations in a prospective Biden administration during a Sunday appearance on ABC’s “This Week.

Klain claims Biden won’t pressure DOJ to pursue Trump

Klain was asked by host George Stephanopoulos about finding the balance between “getting unity, getting things done, working with the Republicans and investigating any wrongdoing that occurred during the Trump administration.”

Stephanopoulos further referenced a recent anonymously-sourced report indicating that Biden “has expressed a preference that he doesn’t want his presidency consumed by Trump investigations,” then asked a moment later, “How do you balance moving forward with getting accountability?”

Klain replied that “Biden is not going to tell the Justice Department who to investigate or who not to investigate,” and added that the “department will make decisions independently, free of politics, free of political favor in either direction as to how to enforce the laws.”

Domenech: Biden will have to “satisfy” his “hard-left progressive base”

Domenech wasn’t really buying that, though. He predicted that “investigations are going to be used to satisfy Joe Biden’s hard-left progressive base basically because he’s not going to be able to deliver on the kind of policy preferences that they would like to see advanced through a Republican Congress.”

“In all likelihood, that means that instead of doing the Green New Deal, instead of doing court-packing and the like, I think [Biden’s] going to try to keep them satisfied by maybe having some of these investigations move forward for the president,” he said.

“At the same time, I don’t think that is necessarily Biden’s personal inclination. It’s going to be more the inclination of the people around him and the people who he appoints,” Domenech continued.

“We will have to see how that shakes out, but I fully expect that there’s going to be investigations in multiple ways that look into the president’s behavior, the president’s taxes, the president’s — all sorts of different things,” he said, adding:

“Why would we expect Democrats to stop doing what they’ve been doing for the past four years?”

Partisan prosecutions are coming

One wild card left unmentioned in all of this is Biden’s running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), who made the eventual investigation and criminal prosecution of Trump and his administration a central theme of her own failed presidential bid in 2019.

In fact, Harris told NPR last year that if she were in charge, her DOJ “would have no choice” but to prosecute Trump in order to restore “accountability” to the government.

The post Domenech: Biden DOJ will likely go after Trump to 'satisfy' progressive base first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Domenech: Biden DOJ will likely go after Trump to ‘satisfy’ progressive base Domenech: Biden DOJ will likely go after Trump to ‘satisfy’ progressive base Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on November 24, 2020 Rating: 5

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