Biden confirms it: An amnesty bill is forthcoming

Joe Biden has confirmed that, as president, he would immediately look to get a bill passed that would grant amnesty to the millions of illegal aliens living in the United States, Breitbart reports. 

Biden made this clear during a recent appearance on NBC News, saying, “I made a commitment, in the first 100 days, I will send an immigration bill to the United States Senate with a pathway to citizenship for over 11 million undocumented people in America.”

The key

Biden correctly pointed out that the success of his plan to grant amnesty to illegal aliens will depend on the Senate. “Some of it’s going to depend on the kind of cooperation I can or cannot get from the United States Congress,” he said.

This, once again, highlights the importance of the Georgia runoff elections that will be held in early January. The Senate score in the 2020 elections is Republicans 50, Democrats 48. The two Georgia runoffs will thus determine Senate control.

The bad news is that, with regard to stopping Biden’s amnesty plan, a Republican majority in the Senate might not even matter. That’s because a number of GOP Senators, including Sens. John Cornyn (R-TX), Linsey Graham (R-SC), and Chuck Grassley (R-IA), have expressed a willingness to work with a Biden administration on immigration, which would, according to Breitbart, “almost certainly include an amnesty deal.”

Cornyn has specifically said that an immigration deal “would be a good thing to do.” Graham has said that he would try “to find common ground that would benefit all of us and a good place to start, I think, would be the debt and infrastructure and immigration.” And, Grassley, seemingly agreeing with both, has said that an immigration deal would need to fall somewhere in between the extremes of totally open and totally closed borders.”

The worrying thing is that if a senator like Graham is willing to work with Biden on immigration, then it would almost certainly be the case that the typical Republican swing-vote senators, including Sens. Susan Collins (R-ME), Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), and Mitt Romney (R-UT), would join in.

What do Americans want?

A number of polls have indicated that Americans are growing less supportive of the sort of open border immigration policies that Biden is pushing.

Exit polling by Zogby Analytics, for example, found that more than 75 percent of Americans think it is important to “limit the admission of new immigrants and foreign guest workers as long as unemployment remains high due to the COVID-19 crisis.” In fact, even after the unemployment numbers level off, 62 percent are still in favor of less immigration.

And, a recent Rasmussen poll shows that it is not just the Republicans who want less immigration either. About six months ago, 54 percent of Democrats agreed that it is “better for businesses to raise the pay and try harder to recruit non-working Americans even if it causes prices to rise.” In November, that number rose 10 percentage points to 64 percent.

Similarly, in May, Rasmussen found that 33 percent of Democrats would prefer that the government “bring in new foreign workers to help keep business costs and prices down.” That number, in November, dropped to 23 percent.

One would have to suspect that President Donald Trump has played a role in raising awareness about the dangers of immigration, both legal and illegal, particularly in terms of economics with policies that have sought to help the American worker. The question, if Biden proceeds with his various immigration plans, will be how Americans will respond.

The post Biden confirms it: An amnesty bill is forthcoming first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Biden confirms it: An amnesty bill is forthcoming Biden confirms it: An amnesty bill is forthcoming Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on November 26, 2020 Rating: 5

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