Kamala Harris says twice during speeches that 220 million Americans have died from COVID-19

Twice in the last week, Democrat vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris said in campaign speeches that 220 million Americans have died from the coronavirus pandemic, which is approximately 1000 times higher than the actual number. 

Harris made the blunder twice last week, on Thursday and Saturday–and she did it with a straight face, and without correcting herself.

Her running mate Joe Biden has also substituted “million” for “thousand” several times when reporting the number of coronavirus deaths, as PJ Media chronicles.

It really doesn’t seem like they were making a mistake when they claimed repeatedly that 66% of the American population has died of the virus when the real number is .06%.

A dangerous message

What if the campaign’s plan was actually to try to get their voters to believe that millions of people have died from the coronavirus?

It is to the Biden-Harris ticket’s advantage that voters be afraid of getting the virus, at least as they try to blame Republicans and President Donald Trump for a poor response.

Attacking Trump’s coronavirus response is the only real way for Biden and Harris to appeal to conservative voters–all of their policy positions are unpalatable to anyone outside the Democrat Party.

It seems that Biden has been able to peel away at least a few older voters with his coronavirus rhetoric, which he desperately needs.

Will fearmongering backfire?

In another way, though, the irrational fear of the virus, which has a 99.96% survival rate for everyone under 65, may backfire on Biden, Harris and other Democrat candidates. While most states are allowing mail-in voting due to the coronavirus, Democrats could still end up suppressing in-person votes within their own party if they succeed in scaring people too much.

The thing nobody in the Democrat Party seems to understand is that fearmongering typically doesn’t work well in elections. If that’s all Biden and Harris have got, it won’t be enough to get them an Electoral College victory.

It would be nice if the press would call Biden and Harris on their obvious misstatements like the claim that 220 million people in America died from the coronavirus.

Given the 92% negative press coverage Trump has gotten over the last four years, though, I won’t hold my breath.

The post Kamala Harris says twice during speeches that 220 million Americans have died from COVID-19 first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Kamala Harris says twice during speeches that 220 million Americans have died from COVID-19 Kamala Harris says twice during speeches that 220 million Americans have died from COVID-19 Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on October 28, 2020 Rating: 5

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