Trump has higher approval rating in Oregon than governor, Portland mayor

Portland, Oregon, has been wracked by political violence for over 100 days, and even the typically tolerant residents of the western state appear to be losing patience.

According to a new poll released last week, the majority of Oregon residents disapprove of the Black Lives Matter protests in the state, and approve of Donald Trump more than they do of highly progressive Portland mayor Ted Wheeler and Governor Kate Brown.

The tide is turning

Democrats and the mainstream media are quick to characterize the protests that have rocked the nation for months as “mostly peaceful,” but Oregonians disagree.

According to the poll, 56 percent of Oregon voters believe that the protests in the state have been “mostly violent,” with 55 percent indicating that they believe these protests should actually be categorized as “riots.”

Only 37 percent actually believe that the violent demonstrations could be described as “protests.”

Disapproval rates for Trump, Wheeler, and Brown were high across the board, but more Oregonians approved of Donald Trump (39 percent) than Brown, with 37 percent, and Wheeler, who came in with an abysmal 30 percent approval.

President Trump’s “strong” approval is also higher than both Brown and Wheeler, at 25 percent.

Oregon, and particularly Portland, has been quite progressive for a number of years, but residents appear to be ready to move past the violence that has caused untold damage in their state and taken the lives of at least two.

Bad trend

Though polls — especially in this day and age — can’t be relied upon for perfect accuracy, polls show a trend, and that trend is not a good one for Democrats currently.

Though Joe Biden, Democrats, and Black Lives Matter protests enjoyed high levels of support in the late spring and early summer, their grip on the nation’s psyche appears to be falling off dramatically.

According to another poll released by Fox News on Sunday, Donald Trump is steadily closing the gap between himself and Biden as the election draws closer.

The poll found that Biden’s lead in the national popular vote has fallen two points since August from a seven-point lead to a five-point lead. With only weeks to go until election day, it’s not a positive trend for Biden even though he still holds the lead.

The post Trump has higher approval rating in Oregon than governor, Portland mayor first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Trump has higher approval rating in Oregon than governor, Portland mayor Trump has higher approval rating in Oregon than governor, Portland mayor Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on September 16, 2020 Rating: 5

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