‘Glossed over his past’: Writer slams Biden for touting US jobs after prior support of NAFTA and TPP

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden touted his campaign’s focus on protecting American jobs in a Michigan campaign stop this week.

Though he assured the autoworkers in the audience of his Macomb County speech that he would protect U.S. workers from outsourcing, Breitbart writer John Binder argued that his record says something very different.

“Decades-long record”

During his recent speech, the former vice president asserted that it is “never a good bet to bet against the American worker,” making his case as a candidate who would stand up to companies moving jobs overseas.

Binder, however, wrote in a recent article that Biden’s “decades-long record on the issue of offshoring” should disqualify him from credibility.

In addition to laying out a plan to increase the corporate tax rate and implement a surcharge on business products moved offshore, Biden said he would back a 10% tax credit to companies committed to investing in U.S. job preservation, as reported by the Detroit Free Press.

Critics argued that a number of important details were conspicuously missing from his speech.

As Binder wrote, “Biden glossed over his past without the most subtle mention of what free trade with Mexico, South Korea, and China has done to the American auto industry.”

“Laid off as the plant closed down”

He went on to focus on evidence including Biden’s 1993 speech in support of the North American Free Trade Agreement. Then a Democratic U.S. Senator from Delaware, Biden said that without the agreement, “Chrysler expects to sell 5,000 more cars to Mexico” from a plant in Newark, Delaware.

“Chrysler will have to manufacture more cars in Mexico to meet the requirements of pre-NAFTA laws,” Biden said at the time.

As Binder explained, however, “in 2007, those American workers at the Newark Chrysler plant were laid off as the plant closed down.”

The Democratic nominee was also criticized for overlooking his son Hunter’s ties to foreign companies that have been involved in outsourcing.

Furthermore, Binder pointed out that Biden was a proponent of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, another deal linked to the disappearance of American jobs. Offering a clear contrast to voters, Trump made withdrawing from the TPP a primary focus upon taking office in 2017.

The post 'Glossed over his past': Writer slams Biden for touting US jobs after prior support of NAFTA and TPP first appeared on Conservative Institute.

‘Glossed over his past’: Writer slams Biden for touting US jobs after prior support of NAFTA and TPP ‘Glossed over his past’: Writer slams Biden for touting US jobs after prior support of NAFTA and TPP Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on September 12, 2020 Rating: 5

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