Democrats promote plan to ditch Senate filibuster if party regains control

While the Senate filibuster has long been considered a mechanism by which a legislative minority can hold the majority party in check, it has frequently come under partisan attack.

Most recently, a Democratic Party-aligned group is promoting its plan to urge a potential Biden administration to abolish the option, as reported by Breitbart.

“Lift the filibuster higher on progressives’ agendas”

The announcement came this week from Fix Our Senate, an organization led by a former aide to U.S. Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA).

In a statement to NBC News, Eli Zupnick said that his group’s “goal is to lift the filibuster higher on progressives’ agendas in advance of November and help them make it clear to a future President Biden and Senate leadership that they can expect and demand speedy Senate rules reform in 2021 and will not accept more gridlock, delays, and excuses.”

He went on to describe a “war room” the organization has established in pursuit of getting rid of the Senate procedural tool as quickly as possible.

“We are going to be very focused on the need for speedy action,” Zupnick said.

In addition to the former Senate aide, Fix Our Senate also includes two ex-chiefs of staff to former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) — Bill Dauster and Adam Jentleson — among its ranks.

“That should be the first item of business”

Reid confirmed in an interview with NBC News that he supports the group’s mission.

“If President Biden wants to get things done, he can’t play around with the filibuster,” the former senator said. “So I think that should be the first item of business with a Senate majority which is Democratic — to get rid of the filibuster.”

As for the presidential nominee himself, however, there has been no such definitive plan.

“I think it’s gonna depend on how obstreperous [Republicans] become,” Biden said, according to the Washington Post. “But I think you’re going to just have to take a look at it.”

While the filibuster might be a top priority for the average American voter, it provides yet another stark contrast between the paths Democrats and Republicans have for the nation’s future.

The post Democrats promote plan to ditch Senate filibuster if party regains control first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Democrats promote plan to ditch Senate filibuster if party regains control Democrats promote plan to ditch Senate filibuster if party regains control Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on September 12, 2020 Rating: 5

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