Biden campaign goes ‘to extraordinary lengths’ to protect Biden from COVID-19: Report

While some critics of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden have criticized him for the amount of time spent inside his Delaware home, recent reports indicate the isolation might have been part of a larger plan.

The former vice president’s campaign team has gone “to extraordinary lengths” to prevent him from contracting COVID-19, according to Politico.

“Meticulously sprayed with disinfectant”

The article noted that Biden’s travel arrangements include chartered jets and SUVs that have been “meticulously sprayed with disinfectant and scrubbed.”

Similarly, other items the candidate frequently touches on the campaign trail — “microphones, lecterns and folders” — are thoroughly sanitized before he comes in contact with them, the report found.

Given his advanced age, Politico went on to describe him as at an elevated risk for potentially serious effects from contracting the virus. Deputy campaign manager Kate Bedingfield told the outlet that the measures were part of an overall adherence to public safety guidelines.

“We don’t want any more Americans to contract the virus,” she said.

Bedingfield took the opportunity to denounce President Donald Trump’s response to the ongoing crisis, stating that Biden’s team “consistently” hear from voters that “they’re frustrated by how Trump engaged over the summer — that he doesn’t follow public health guidelines while they’re not going to funerals and are sharing in the sacrifice for six, seven months now.”

“A ton of effort”

She asserted that Americans feel “frustrated when they see Donald Trump behaving irresponsibly at a political event.”

The pastor of a Kenosha, Wisconsin, church detailed the process of preparing that location for a small gathering when Biden visited the city earlier this month.

“There was a ton of effort into how to do it in a COVID-safe way,” said Rev. Jonathan Barker. “They actually had a measuring tape and they were measuring where people could be and using dots to mark the places.”

Meanwhile, some of the nominee’s critics have suggested that his strategy of hosting limited and infrequent public appearances has more to do with a desire to reduce his chance of making another major gaffe and contributing to concerns that he is suffering from cognitive decline.

All Americans should do everything possible to avoid contracting the coronavirus, but that does not mean voters will give Biden a pass for not putting in the work it takes to earn a win on Election Day.

The post Biden campaign goes 'to extraordinary lengths' to protect Biden from COVID-19: Report first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Biden campaign goes ‘to extraordinary lengths’ to protect Biden from COVID-19: Report Biden campaign goes ‘to extraordinary lengths’ to protect Biden from COVID-19: Report Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on September 15, 2020 Rating: 5

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