When convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein was found dead in his jail cell last summer, there was an intense debate over whether he committed suicide — the official story — or was murdered.
It appears that the debate over the exact manner of Epstein’s death is still unsettled as far as President Donald Trump goes, at least based on his response to a question related to the sordid saga during a recent interview, the Citizen Free Press reported.
Wishing Ghislaine well
President Trump sat down for an interview with Jonathan Swan of Axios. At one point, Swan raised a remark the president had made following the recent arrest of British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell — a close associate of Epstein — over allegations of involvement in child sex trafficking.
Swan noted how Trump previously said he “wished her well” when asked about Maxwell’s arrest, to which Trump insinuated that was simply referencing Epstein’s death behind bars and didn’t want to see the same thing happen with Maxwell.
“Her friend or boyfriend — was either killed or committed suicide in jail. She’s now in jail,” Trump said. “Yeah, I wish her well. I’d wish you well, I’d wish a lot of people well. Good luck. Let them prove somebody was guilty.”
“Was it suicide? Was he killed?”
Swan attempted to clarify by asking whether Trump meant he didn’t want to see Maxwell die in jail when he said he wished her well.
Trump replied, “Well, her boyfriend died in jail and people are still trying to figure out how did it happen? Was it suicide? Was he killed? And I do wish her well. I’m not looking for anything bad for her. I’m not looking bad for anybody.”
The interviewer reiterated that Maxwell was accused of being a child sex trafficker, but Trump said, “But all it is is her boyfriend died. He died in jail. Was he killed? Was it suicide? I do, I wish her well.” Watch:
Unsolved mystery
The New York Post recently provided a brief summary of what is already known and what has yet to be determined with regard to Epstein’s death. According to the official account, a series of screwups at the Metropolitan Correction Center in Manhattan afforded Epstein the opportunity to hang himself with the bedsheets in his cell.
However, an independent autopsy suggested that there was evidence that Epstein was strangled to death, as Fox News reported last year, and there remain quite a few prominent individuals who have been implicated in Epstein’s sordid activities who would have a motive for keeping him silent forever.
The American people may never know for sure whether Epstein killed himself or was murdered by somebody else, and based upon his answers to Swan’s questions, it sure looks like President Trump is among those who are still waiting on a definitive answer one way or the other.

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