LA Mayor threatens harsh punishment for coronavirus order violators

Here’s something that is going to have you questioning what country we are in.

Fox News reports that Eric Garcetti, the Democratic mayor of Los Angeles, California, has instructed city officials to shut off power and water to properties, including private houses, that violate his coronavirus restrictions on social gatherings. 

Talk about ruling with an iron fist

Garcetti made the threat to “shut these places down permanently” at a press conference on Wednesday night.

“By turning off that power, shutting off that water we feel we can close these places down, which usually are not one-time offenders but multiple-offenders,” Garcetti said.

The obvious question here is whether this is even legal. That’s what one reporter asked the mayor.

“We know we can do this,” was Garcetti’s response. But, we’ll have to see about that.

Why now?

Los Angeles has been one of those cities that has recently been hit hard by the coronavirus. According to local numbers, the city has seen roughly 198,000 COVID-19 cases and over 4,800 deaths.

But, what is really driving Garcetti’s threat to cut off power and water are large house parties that have been taking place in violation of his coronavirus social gathering restrictions. Garcetti, on Wednesday, referred to these house parties as “super-spreaders,” arguing that these events “ripple throughout our entire community because the virus can quickly and easily spread.”

Veronica Miracle, a reporter for the local ABC affiliate, tweeted about one such party, writing:

We’re all stuck at home but here’s ppl throwing bills from a balcony. Hundreds are partying at a mansion in Beverly Park (above Beverly Hills). Complete with a poolside DJ and no physical distancing.

@MayorOfLA What happens next? Are there consequences to breaking health orders?

We now know Garcetti’s answer to that question.

No one is following my orders

Garcetti’s problem isn’t just that Los Angeles residents aren’t following his coronavirus orders either. According to the local ABC affiliate, the Los Angeles Police Department also has not been enforcing health code violations. In fact, the LAPD was called to the house party reported on above for a noise complaint but allowed the party to continue after determining that no laws were being violated – hence the idea of cutting off power and water.

It’s hard to believe that something like this is happening in America. But, it is. Somebody needs to put an end to this mayor’s power trip.

LA Mayor threatens harsh punishment for coronavirus order violators LA Mayor threatens harsh punishment for coronavirus order violators Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on August 06, 2020 Rating: 5

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