One Republican congressman believes it is time for two members of the White House coronavirus task force response team to move on to new endeavors.
The Washington Examiner reports that Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) is calling for the firing of Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx.
“Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx have caused more damage to this nation with their COVID-19 prescriptions than can ever be restored,” Biggs recently tweeted.
“Their policies and solutions do not value and protect ALL lives. Our future depends on these two exiting the stage immediately,” he declared.
Making his case
Biggs attached to his tweet an article he wrote for in which he put forth his argument for why Fauci and Birx ought to be fired. The article, though, mainly focuses on the case of Fauci.
“The sell-by date of Dr. Anthony Fauci’s usefulness has expired,” Biggs begins. “He should exit the public stage that he so obviously enjoys. His long tenure as a healthcare bureaucrat should come to an end. He has proven more adept as a showman than as a doctor.”
Biggs went on to support this contention with several examples he believes show that Fauci’s policies have significantly damaged the country and its citizens.
“It was his advice to lockdown most states and local jurisdictions that resulted in the unemployment of tens of millions of Americans,” Biggs writes. “Thousands of businesses have been permanently shuttered. People who had mortgaged their homes or leveraged their retirement savings to open businesses saw their economic dreams vanish. But, Fauci told Congress he didn’t consider these things when crafting his policies.” Biggs continues:
Suicide rates have soared. Under Fauci’s guidance, domestic violence, child abuse, alcohol and drug abuse, have also skyrocketed. The Census Bureau embedded questions typically used by counselors to determine clinical depression in a national survey. More than a third of all Americans responding (48,000) answered yes to each of the questions.
The congressman went on to make the point that “State and local officials have been hanging on his words as if they were the tablets from the Mount. All the while, his focus has been myopic and his public comments, that so many revere, have been casual, philosophical observations that are not necessarily based on science.”
“Exit left stage”
Biggs’ main criticism of Birx came in the final paragraph of the Townhall piece in which he pointed out that Birx “embraces no school until the spread rate is 5% or less, although that number is without scientific support and appears to have been pulled like a rabbit from the hat in an arbitrary fashion.”
For these reasons and others, Biggs concludes that it is time for Fauci and Birx “to exit left stage.”
It’s pretty hard to argue with the congressman on this one.
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