Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden made yet more embarrassing gaffes this week — prompting one Fox host to openly question Biden’s health.
Biden’s repeated verbal blunders suggest that he is “clearly” suffering some sort of “cognitive issue” that should call into question his capability to be president, Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo said this week, according to the Washington Examiner.
Bartiromo’s assessment, which came during her Friday “Mornings with Maria” program, was sparked by several major gaffes Biden this week.
Earlier in the week, when asked by a Black journalist if he’d taken a cognitive test, Biden grew irate and fired back by asking the journalist if he’d taken a cocaine test and was a “junkie.”
Biden followed that up by attempting to challenge the assertion that his mental capabilities were diminished — but failed miserably in pronouncing what he was trying to say. “I am very willing to let the American public judge my physical and mental fil–, my physical as well as my mental fil–, fitness, and to make a judgment about who I am,” he stammered.
In an interview released Thursday, Biden flopped again. “And by the way, what you all know but most people don’t know, unlike the African American community with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly different attitudes about different things,” he told a group of journalists at the National Association of Black Journalists-National Association of Hispanic Journalists 2020 virtual convention, ABC reported.
Yet again on Thursday, Biden expressed similar sentiments: “We can build a new administration that reflects the full diversity of our nation. The full diversity of Latino communities. And when I mean full diversity, unlike the African American community and many other communities, you’re from everywhere. From Europe, from the tip of South America, all the way to our border and Mexico and in the Caribbean. And different backgrounds, different ethnicities, but all Latinos, we’re gonna get a chance to do that if we win in November,” Biden said while speaking to the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials conference.
“Clearly a cognitive issue here”
Bartiromo said it was “disappointing that anybody would put him out in this condition, and it’s very sad to see.”
“There’s a gaffe every day. There’s clearly a cognitive issue here,” she said. “We know that Joe Biden has one brain aneurysm, and I think it’s two, actually.”
“To put him out the way the Democrats are putting him out, it’s just, it’s terrible,” Bartiromo added.
Rest of media ignores issue
The Media Research Center’s Newsbusters noted that, aside from Fox News and a brief mention on CNN — in which Biden’s comments were downplayed and defended — there was very little coverage of the presumptive nominee’s latest gaffes on the rest of the broadcast and cable news networks.
Compare that response to the media’s typical overreaction to any slip of the tongue from President Donald Trump and the liberal bias of the mainstream media is absolutely undeniable.
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