GOP operatives suggest Trump could exit race if poll numbers don’t improve: Report

President Donald Trump has seen his poll numbers decline in recent weeks, and while the election is still months away, there are those who are growing nervous about his prospects for another four years in office.

Some political pundits are apparently going even further, predicting that the president could drop out of the race rather than face defeat, though Fox News personality Charles Gasparino is far from convinced.

Operatives float Trump exit

On Sunday, Gasparino tweeted that “GOP operatives are for the first time raising the possibility that @realDonaldTrump could drop out of the race if his poll numbers don’t rebound.”

Gasparino continued, “Over the weekend I spoke to a sample of major players,” adding that “one described Trumps current psyche as ‘fragile.’”

Clearly skeptical about the rumors of Trump’s imminent political demise, Gasparino insisted that he’s “not convinced yet.”

In his view, Trump has “got time and he’s running against an opponent who is literally hiding in his basement,” noting that the “public isn’t focusing yet on just how left wing @JoeBiden has become, so much so, he [can’t] bring himself to denounce rioting.”

Campaign slams speculation

Trump campaign spokesman Tim Murtaugh swiftly dimissed the notion that the president has any intentions of stepping aside.

“This is the granddaddy of fake news,” Murtaugh said. “Everyone knows that media polling has always been wrong about President Trump –­ they undersample Republicans and don’t screen for likely voters –­ in order to set false narratives.”

Murtaugh went on to suggest that similar concerns were expressed during the 2016 campaign, and said that if those assertions had been accurate, “Hillary Clinton would be in the White House right now,” Fox News reported.

“As was the case in 2016, the mainstream news media is relying on polling financed by their own operations and others, released publicly in order to set a narrative that conforms with their own worldviews,” a statement to Fox News from the Trump campaign read, adding:

The president’s campaign has repeatedly called into question the validity of such polling, based on methodology, party representation in the sample, wording of questions, and other factors.

Interestingly, on Sunday, Rasmussen released polling results showing that although Trump has recently lost ground with white voters, he appears to have made significant inroads among African Americans.

Trump may appear to be down at the moment, but if history tells us anything, it is that only a fool would ever count him out.

GOP operatives suggest Trump could exit race if poll numbers don’t improve: Report GOP operatives suggest Trump could exit race if poll numbers don’t improve: Report Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on June 29, 2020 Rating: 5

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