Soros-backed groups push to expand mail-in voting: report

A number of political groups backed by leftist billionaire George Soros are seeking to take advantage of the methods being used to fight the coronavirus pandemic to push for universal mail-in voting, a measure that experts say would benefit Democrats and be susceptible to voter fraud. 

The Brennan Center for Justice, located at NYU School of Law, has been a leading voice for expanding mail-in voting. Not coincidentally, George Soros’s Open Society Foundations is a major donor to the center, which has also received numerous Open Society grants, Breitbart’s Aaron Klein reports.

A Brennan Center document pushing mail-in voting as a way to “protect” the upcoming election from coronavirus has been touted by numerous mainstream media outlets including The New York Times, The Washington Post, Axios, Politico, the Guardian, and Reuters, just to name a few.

Democrats in both chambers of Congress have also used the document as a blueprint for legislation to make mail-in voting widespread, Breitbart reported.

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Democrats, who are worried about turnout in November, also attempted to insert provisions for mail-in voting and other modifications to the election system into the $2.2 trillion coronavirus relief bill, but those provisions were removed from the final version of the bill. However, the final bill included $400 million for election-related spending, and it’s likely they will push for more in a potential fourth coronavirus stimulus bill.

President Donald Trump has commented on the attempt to make mail-in voting and other modifications to the law of the land, saying, “The things they had in there were crazy. They had things — levels of voting that, if you ever agreed to it, you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again.”

It is nearly impossible to verify mail-in voting, and the legislation being pushed by Democrats and backed by Soros also includes the questionable practice of ballot harvesting, in which third parties like local Democrat party officials could collect and deliver ballots to election officials.

On Friday, Trump specifically said he does not support expanding mail-in voting. “No, because I think a lot of people cheat with mail-in voting. I think people should vote with ID, voter ID. I think voter ID is very important, and the reason they don’t want voter ID is because they intend to cheat.”

Some of the House Democrat gains in California in 2018 were blamed on the practice of ballot harvesting, which is already legal in that state.

The Brennan Center document also calls for ballots to be sent to inactive or purged voters if they request them, and for same-day registration and address updates along with provisional ballots for those that haven’t been verified.

Progressive groups want mail-in voting

According to Breitbart, leftist activist group Stand Up America — which is committed to “resisting Trump’s corrupt agenda” — has launched a campaign to try to get Americans to push Congress for the adoption of the Brennan Center voting recommendations. The group is funded by the Sixteen Thirty Fund, a dark money group. Democracy Alliance, a group of which Soros is a member, recommended that donors give millions to the Sixteen Thirty Fund, Politico reported.

Other Soros-funded groups pushing to get these Democrat-friendly voting changes made are Public Citizen, Common Cause, and the ACLU, Breitbart also said. It doesn’t make any logical sense that so many progressive groups would support these voting changes if they didn’t think Democrats would benefit more than Republicans.

Soros-backed groups push to expand mail-in voting: report Soros-backed groups push to expand mail-in voting: report Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on April 04, 2020 Rating: 5

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