Retired Dodgers broadcaster Vin Scully released from hospital after fall: Report

Vin Scully is back home from the hospital after a fall, the Los Angeles Dodgers said this weekend, according to the Associated Press.

The 92-year-old baseball broadcasting legend and Bronx native, who followed the Dodgers for half a century since they were a Brooklyn team, has since thanked first responders and hospital staff for their service, the AP reported.

Back from the hospital

The Dodgers said on Tuesday that Scully had fallen at his home in Los Angeles and was taken to the hospital, according to Yahoo Sports. At the time, Scully joked, “I won’t be doing anymore headfirst sliding, I never liked it.”

An update from Scully that invoked his signature intro to Dodgers’ games came Saturday.

“I’m home and resting comfortably with my wife and we are both eagerly awaiting the Time for Dodger Baseball!” a tweet from the baseball team quoted Scully as saying, according to the AP.

The tweet also said: “My sincerest thanks to the LA County Firemen and women who come to the rescue and always seem to be there when we need and to the excellent administration, doctors and nurses of Los Robles Hospital. I am so eternally grateful for their help and selfless service.”

Reassuring fans

Scully, who has been sheltering in California amid the COVID-19 outbreak, has also shared his thoughts on the disruptions caused by the coronavirus. The Dodgers veteran has offered words of encouragement to baseball fans and all Americans living through this traumatic time, urging Americans to pray, spend time with family, and smile.

“Most of you are home, just as I am, waiting, hopefully, for Opening Day,” Scully told fans in March, according to CBS Sports. “I trust all is well. I hope you are far and away from any sickness, and I miss you.”

Major League Baseball, for its part, is looking at various plans to keep the regular season going, including a scheme that would have games rotate between just a handful of cities, CBS Sports notes. Opening Day may not come until the middle of May or later, however, Fox News said.

Scully told a Fox podcast that he would take part in Opening Day if asked, and then “the crowd would roar and I would disappear behind the curtain. Never to be seen again,” he vowed.

The broadcaster retired in 2016, according to the AP, after a career with the Dodgers that stretched back to 1950. For his legendary work, the baseball Hall of Famer also received the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2016.

Amid all of the gloom and doom, here’s some good news for a change.

Retired Dodgers broadcaster Vin Scully released from hospital after fall: Report Retired Dodgers broadcaster Vin Scully released from hospital after fall: Report Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on April 27, 2020 Rating: 5

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