Johnny Depp Domestic Abuse Tape LEAKED Sending #MeToo Movement Into A Tailspin!

A leaked audio conversation between Johnny Depp and his ex-wife Amber Heard is blowing up Hollywood. The audio reveals Heard confessing to committing physical violence against Depp. After BuzzFeed published photos of Heard with bruises and accusations of abuse against Depp, his life fell apart. Depp was implicated in the #MeToo movement and branded as a wife-abuser. He was dropped from “Pirates of the Caribbean” in 2018 and many speculate it was because of the allegations.

On Sunday, a taped conversation between Depp and Heard was posted online. In it, Heard admits to “slapping,” “hitting,” and throwing objects at him. Her biggest frustration with Depp appears to be that he tries to get away from her when she turns violent. Depp is heard saying, “There can be no physical violence,” and Heard replies, “I can’t promise I won’t get physical again.”

Heard spends a lot of time on the audio berating Depp for running away from her when they are fighting and not engaging with her when she’s in a violent rage. At one point Depp says, “I’m not the one who f***ing throws f***ing pots and whatever the f*** else at me.” Heard doesn’t deny it and replies, “That’s different…one does not negate the other. That’s irrelevant. Just because I throw pots and pans does not mean you don’t come and knock on the door,” equating him walking away from a violent encounter to throwing pots at someone’s head.

Later in the audio Heard admits to slapping and hitting him and justifies that it’s okay because she didn’t punch him. “I’m sorry I didn’t hit you across the face in a proper slap, but I was hitting you. I wasn’t punching you,” she said. “You didn’t get punched. You got hit…but you’re fine. I did not hurt you.”

Excerpts from the audio can be heard below.

The privilege that women have when they accuse a man of abuse is widely known. Whole movements, like the #MeToo scam, spring up to attack the accused man and destroy his career. Phrases like “believe women” are printed on bumper stickers and t-shirts, but no one stops to wonder if the woman is telling the truth. In this case, it appears that Heard was lying. If a man claims he is abused, no one wants to hear his story. When Heard accused Depp of abusing her, he fought back and claimed that he was the one suffering physical abuse. Hardly anyone believed him. As a result, Heard’s Hollywood star rose while Depp lost jobs.

Now that this audio is out, #AmberHeardIsAnAbuser and #JusticeForJohnny are trending on Twitter. Suddenly, the world realizes that women aren’t always truthful or trustworthy. This is a subject that I wrote an entire book about after the Brett Kavanaugh fiasco, where half the country believed a Supreme Court nominee was guilty of rape or something because a mentally fragile woman accused him of a drunken grope 30 years ago that no one could recall and for which no evidence existed.

History is full of stories of duplicitous and scheming harpies who destroyed the lives of men over false accusations. I detail many of them in my book, Believe Evidence: The Death of Due Process from Salome to #MeToo. Pick it up today on Amazon. And the next time some woman comes forward with a salacious story about a man, instead of labeling her “brave” and “courageous,” check her facts and evidence. Men have been and continue to be abused, raped, sexually assaulted, and murdered by women. Their voices should not be silenced by the #MeToo hags who can’t understand reality and human nature.

Via PJMedia

Johnny Depp Domestic Abuse Tape LEAKED Sending #MeToo Movement Into A Tailspin! Johnny Depp Domestic Abuse Tape LEAKED Sending #MeToo Movement Into A Tailspin! Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on February 02, 2020 Rating: 5

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