Democrats DEMAND Evidence And Testimony…Once Schiff Say THIS CLIP, He Looked Like A Ghost!

It’s difficult for the blood to drain from Rep. Adam Schiff’s face. In case you haven’t noticed — and the media seems to be perfectly willing to not pay attention — the California Democrat and chair of the House Intelligence Committee is giving President Donald Trump quite a run for his money in terms of having an orange hue.

Yet, according to Sen. John Barrasso of Wyoming, the color actually managed to drain from Schiff’s face when confronted with his own words about the July phone call between Trump and Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky.

To be fair, there’s no actual video of this, although I’d love to have seen it, it had to have been impressive. You can’t just have normal veins to do this. You’d need industrial-strength stuff that can evacuate blood from the capillaries underneath the cheeks and the chin with impressive speed.

Heck, you’d almost need blood vessels that can somehow reverse flow so that the blood can drain on a moment’s notice.

I’ve seen Adam Schiff’s face. We’re not talking Ted Kennedy-level florid here, but still, you’d need some lightning-fast blood training capabilities.

Just so you’re aware, this is the video that apparently caused Adam Schiff to take on a nearly impossible pallor:

This was, viewers may remember, Schiff’s attempt at parodying the transcript of the call between Trump and Zelensky. He didn’t actually say it was a parody at the time, mind you, nor is he particularly funny, which is why the joke got him into a bit of trouble.

See if you think that Schiff is hilarious: “This is the essence of what the president communicates: ‘We’ve been very good to your country, very good, no other country has done as much as we have, but you know what, I don’t see much reciprocity here. I hear what you want.

“‘I have a favor I want from you, though, and I’m going to say this only seven times, so you better listen good. I want you to make up dirt on my political opponent, understand, lots of it, on this and on that. I’m going to put you in touch with people — not just any people, I’m going to put you in touch with the attorney general of the United States, my Attorney General Bill Barr. He’s got the whole weight of the American law enforcement behind him.

“‘And I’m going to put you in touch with Rudy — you’re going to love him, trust me. You know what I’m asking, and so I’m only going to say this a few more times in a few more ways. And by the way, don’t call me again, I’ll call you when you’ve done I asked.’ This is in sum and character what the president was trying to communicate.”

The clip was introduced by White House deputy counsel to the president Michael Purpura and it quickly became a bit of a meme due to Schiff’s alleged response.

Barrasso, who said it “completely undermined the case of the Democrats,” also said it “truly undermined the credibility of Adam Schiff.”

The Wyoming Republican said that when Purpura played the clip of Schiff’s take on the actual call, “the blood drained from Adam Schiff’s face.”

If this was hyperbole, it wasn’t necessarily hyperbole outside the realm of possibility. Here’s the map of the Senate floor:

Given that Schiff was right up front, Barrasso could have seen the blood drain from his face and the fake tan melt off. (Allegedly, cough cough, wink wink.)

Did this actually happen? We’ll never really know, since, despite all of the cameras in a tiny deliberative chamber, none were trained on Schiff at the time. Barrasso isn’t a known prevaricator or embellisher, for one. And beyond that, there’s the issue of the strength of Schiff’s evidence, or lack thereof.

The Democrats have tried to paint the impeachment trial as if it were a criminal proceeding, not a political stunt. Yet, even Schiff knows that this case wouldn’t hold up in a real court.

If mini-Orange Man wants to continue down this path, I can assure him that he’s going to have a lot more moments that end up with the blood draining from his face.

Via WesternJournal

Democrats DEMAND Evidence And Testimony…Once Schiff Say THIS CLIP, He Looked Like A Ghost! Democrats DEMAND Evidence And Testimony…Once Schiff Say THIS CLIP, He Looked Like A Ghost! Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on February 02, 2020 Rating: 5

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