Democrat strategist suggests Joe Biden is ‘mentally deteriorating’

Former Vice President Joe Biden has long been called a “gaffe machine,” but amid his ongoing campaign for the presidency, he’s seemed particularly prone to blunders. And now, one Democrat campaign consultant thinks he’s diagnosed the problem.

Political analyst Justin Horwitz suggested in an interview with Breitbart News Saturday host Matthew Boyle that Biden is “mentally deteriorating” along the campaign trail.

“I think it’s obvious to anyone who’s watching any of the debates or watching Joe Biden speak that he’s not all there anymore,” Horwitz said this weekend, according to Breitbart. “He’s clearly not as sharp, he’s struggling to find his words. He is a man who is mentally deteriorating.

“And I think that’s the reason [Michael] Bloomberg has jumped into the race,” Horwitz added, referring to the former New York mayor who is now running in the Democratic primary. “He’s kind of the fallback for the establishment in case Biden truly breaks down mentally.”

Corporate money and grassroots support

Horwitz spoke Saturday of alleged attempts by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to “rig” the primary because they don’t like their current White House frontrunner, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. This, Horwitz says, is because Sanders “represents such a disruption to the consultant class and the established order in Washington, D.C.”

“They want people to take corporate money,” Horwitz said. “They think you need corporate money in our elections, but he’s proven that you don’t, and they don’t like it.”

Horwitz called the establishment’s attitude “outrageous,” but conceded that the DNC may not be powerful enough to outweigh the “grassroots left.”

“None of those candidates — Bloomberg, Biden — when they hold events, they’re literally drawing 10, 20 people to their events,” Horwitz said, according to Breitbart. “Bernie is doing events, 10, 20 thousand people.

“There is no grassroots support for people like Mike Bloomberg or Joe Biden,” he added. “It’s all establishment support and people who have been scared by the corporate media that nominating somebody like Bernie Sanders would disastrous for the party.”

Biden’s history of blunders

Say what you will about Horwitz’s decision to back a candidate like Sanders, who openly touts socialism as a good thing, but the Democrat strategist raised some valid points in his critique of Biden, who has thus far been the establishment favorite.

The former VP has made more than a few slip-ups in recent months, from mixing up Iowa and Ohio to confusing supporters with a message about his text line at a primary debate: “Go to Joe 30330,” he said in August, according to CBS News.

Only time will tell what mistake Biden makes next.

Democrat strategist suggests Joe Biden is ‘mentally deteriorating’ Democrat strategist suggests Joe Biden is ‘mentally deteriorating’ Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on February 02, 2020 Rating: 5

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