Donald Trump is heading into 2020 with political tailwinds in his favor — and the polls seem to show it.
A new poll from Zogby Analytics found that Trump’s approval is rising to 50% with the American electorate, the Washington Examiner‘s Paul Bedard reported Monday. Trump is also peeling away support from Democratic constituencies and just barely beating the Democrats’ top four contenders.
“Trump is doing well and winning back support with important swing voters: [i]ndependents (42% at least somewhat approve/52% at least somewhat disapprove), Hispanics (45% at least somewhat approve/55% at least somewhat disapprove), and women (44% at least somewhat approve/53% at least somewhat disapprove),” pollster Jonathan Zogby wrote, according to the Examiner.
Poll: Trump at 50%, beating Dems
The poll found that Trump has the approval of 50% of voters and the disapproval of 48%. According to Newsmax, Trump is also edging out Democratic candidates for president and cutting into traditional Democratic bases of support, Zogby found.
While Democrats claim to represent the working class, Trump, who campaigned on helping the “forgotten Americans,” is doing well with the most vulnerable voters: 65% of voters who lost a job at least somewhat approve of him, while 33% at least somewhat disapprove; 52% of those afraid of losing a job at least somewhat approve, while 45% somewhat disapprove; 52% at a job that pays less at least somewhat approve, while 47% at least somewhat disapprove; and 57% of those who haven’t had food in 24 hours at least somewhat approve.
In candidate match-ups, Trump has a slight edge over former Vice President Joe Biden, with 46% to Biden’s 45%, and he is beating Sen. Bernie Sanders (VT) 47% to 45%, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (MA) 47% to 43%, and Pete Buttigieg 45% to 41%. Trump is barely leading Biden among independents, but he is winning the “most vulnerable” voters. (Not incidentally, Biden has been criticized recently for telling coal miners to learn computer programming, Breitbart notes.)
Trump is losing to Biden with minorities and suburban women. Against Sanders, Trump is losing with independents but winning union voters, 48% to 42%.
A very good year for Trump?
Overall, the poll found that Trump is gaining ground with swing voters, including independents, Hispanics, and women, and he has some approval from 51% of millennials and 56% of Generation X, but he is lagging behind with the youngest voters, those under 30.
The survey was taken between Dec. 5 and Dec. 8 with a sample of 865 likely voters, divided between parties.
Recent Gallup and Hill-HarrisX polls also showed Trump’s approval ratings creeping up to 50%, while support for his impeachment has dipped, according to Fox News. The changes appear to reflect the fact that Trump is heading into the new year with numerous tailwinds: an impeachment that will enable him to claim vindication when Republicans acquit him of the Democrats’ charges, an economy that is growing with rising wages for low-paid workers, and a slate of uncompelling Democratic competitors.
For his part, Zogby said that impeachment backlash could explain rising support for Trump with independents, but said that Trump could use more support from women and suburban voters.
“The president’s job approval numbers continue to be solid. His numbers are decent across the board, although he needs more support with women, suburban voters, suburban women, and [i]ndependents,” he noted. “But with these groups, including Hispanics, Trump’s numbers are climbing back-up.”
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