Joe Biden’s Son Makes A Big Problem Worse, Skips Court Hearing, Lawyer Bails…

The Daily Mail reports that Hunter Biden was a no-show at Monday’s child support hearing in a Batesville, AK courtroom.

One of Biden’s lawyers, Dustin McDaniel, a former state attorney general, ‘abruptly quit’ during the hearing. According to the Daily Mail, McDaniel told the court Biden’s personal lawyer had ‘advised’ him that he was being discharged. In his “motion to withdraw,” McDaniel wrote, “(C)ounsel will take all steps reasonably practical to protect defendant’s interests and make every effort to ensure an efficient and judicious transition for new counsel.”

Judge Don McSpadden made it clear that the most important person in this case is the child, “Baby Doe.” McSpadden demanded at least three years of Biden’s tax returns in order to determine a suitable child support payment. In a recent court filing, Biden stated that he is currently unemployed and in debt after stepping down in April from his seat on the board of Burisma. The court’s request poses a problem for Biden as his income from the Ukrainian natural gas company is said to have been in the millions. Biden must also provide the court with a valid phone number and address so that necessary court documents may be served.

Biden resigned from Burisma when his father, former Vice President Joe Biden, entered the race for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Lunden Alexis Roberts, 28, the mother of the child, is seeking $11,000 in attorney fees plus child support payments from Biden. According to a previous article in the Daily Mail, Roberts claims that Baby Doe is also entitled to Secret Service protection, considering that he or she is the grandchild of a former U.S. Vice President. Now that may be pushing it.

Accompanied by her father, Roberts’ attractive, wholesome appearance belied her brief time as a stripper in a Washington, D.C. gentleman’s club.

Last week, it was reported that Biden’s lawyers had filed a motion for a Protective Order of his financial records in the Arkansas Circuit Court of Independence. The filing states, “The likelihood that [Biden’s] private records will be used in an inappropriate or malicious manner for reasons that have absolutely nothing to do with these proceedings is exceedingly high and should not be tolerated by the court…Any such disclosures would also cause him “undue prejudice, annoyance, embarrassment, and/or oppression.”

Biden and Roberts had a brief relationship in the fall of 2017. At the time, he was said to be “dating” his late brother’s wife. They met at the Mpire Gentlemen’s Club in Washington, D.C., where she worked as a stripper while attending classes at George Washington University. Baby Doe was born in August 2018. Biden denied he was the father of the child until a recent paternity test proved otherwise.

Via RedState

Joe Biden’s Son Makes A Big Problem Worse, Skips Court Hearing, Lawyer Bails… Joe Biden’s Son Makes A Big Problem Worse, Skips Court Hearing, Lawyer Bails… Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on December 03, 2019 Rating: 5

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