Trump tweets pic of himself as ‘Rocky’ as impeachment moves forward

Judging from one of his recent tweets, you might think President Trump has been spending some time in the gym.

This is because on Wednesday, Trump put out a tweet that featured an image of his head pasted on the body of Sylvester Stallone’s legendary film character, Rocky Balboa. 

The left-wing HuffPo wasn’t impressed, publishing a collection of liberal reactions to the photo. Some mocked it, while others contrasted it with photos tweeted out by Barack Obama.

However, if the president is feeling like a champ these days, then recent polling data on imepachment could be part of the reason.

Impeachment failing with independents

Last week, Emerson Polling published a survey that found “support for impeachment has flipped since October from 48% support with 44% opposing to now 45% opposed and 43% in support.”

Further, the turnaround in opinion was most evident among independent voters — the demographic that will likely determine the 2020 election.

“The biggest swing is among Independents, who oppose impeachment now forty-nine to thirty-four percent, which is a reversal from October where they supported impeachment forty-eight to thirty-nine percent,” Emerson reported.

Notably, that poll wasn’t an outlier, as an NPR/PBS/Marist poll conducted from Nov. 11 to Nov. 15 showed that 50%t of independents were opposed to impeaching and removing Trump from office, compared with just 42% in favor. Meanwhile, a Gallup poll done between Nov. 1 and Nov. 14 showed 45% of independent voters supported impeaching and removing the president, whereas 53% were opposed.

Warning signs for Dems

Washington Post reporter Rachael Bade speculated on possible reasons for those poor numbers during a segment of CNN’s Inside Politics. Watch below.

“I do think that this polling, is sort of a warning sign for them. I mean, if they’re not able to move public sentiment at all with those five hearings with…a dozen State Department or NSC officials coming forward and testifying against the president, I mean that’s a problem for them. This should be a high point for them in terms of making their case to the voters,” Bade said.

She also suggested that Democrats had not timed their impeachment inquiry to their strategic advantage.

“But this hearing process was so fast. For us in Washington, I mean it was impossible for us to keep up. Think about voters in Ohio or Wisconsin, people who only tune into news once a week. They were doing them back to back and it didn’t sink in, clearly,” Bade added.

Trump tweets pic of himself as ‘Rocky’ as impeachment moves forward Trump tweets pic of himself as ‘Rocky’ as impeachment moves forward Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on November 28, 2019 Rating: 5

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