Rep. Doug Collins says Schiff, not Nadler, is running the Judiciary Committee

New York Democrat Jerry Nadler serves as chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, yet according one congressman, it’s actually someone else who is pulling the strings, at least in terms of the impeachment process.

Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA) is ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, and he was recently interviewed by Fox News personality Brian Kilmeade.

Running the show

During their conversation, Kilmeade pressed Collins for details about what impeachment would ultimately look like, asking if “Schiff walks over, delivers his articles of impeachment, then you just vote on it? Or you guys go debate his articles of impeachment?”

In reply, Collins made a shocking allegation.

“No, well see, he’s not going to bring us articles,” the Georgia Republican began.

“He’s going to bring us the findings of his committee. They leave it up to the Judiciary Committee. I’m assuming a with Schiff, because Schiff, frankly, seems to be running our committee more than Chairman Nadler is. They’ll come over, and they’ll work on the articles over the next couple of weeks, if that’s what they’re looking to do.”

Imbalanced process

Schiff asserted during a September appearance on MSNBC’s Morning Joe that neither he nor his staff had communicated with the so-called Ukraine whistleblower. “We have not spoken directly with the whistleblower,” he insisted.

That claim was exposed in a New York Times article that was published the next month.

“The whistleblower gave an early account of allegations against President Trump to a House aide who outlined it to Rep. Adam Schiff, who is now leading the impeachment inquiry,” the Times tweeted.

Schiff also read out a fake transcript of Trump’s July 25 telephone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, something he later defended as an act of parody. This led to House Republicans introducing a motion to censure Schiff earlier this month.

“Chairman Schiff cannot be trusted to conduct a fair and open impeachment inquiry, because he cannot be trusted to tell the truth. He is only concerned with furthering his partisan anti-Trump agenda,” Rep. Steve Scalise said in a statement.

Despite all of Schiff’s efforts to tip the scales in Democrats’ favor, including seizing the reins in Nadler’s committee, polls are showing that support for impeachment among American voters is falling.

Rep. Doug Collins says Schiff, not Nadler, is running the Judiciary Committee Rep. Doug Collins says Schiff, not Nadler, is running the Judiciary Committee Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on November 28, 2019 Rating: 5

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