A longtime, self-declared goal of former First Lady Michelle Obama has been to try to improve race relations in America. But, it seems that every time she opens her mouth on the subject, she makes the situation worse.
Glenn Beck, formerly of Fox News, recently exposed what he referred to as Obama’s “reverse racism” on Blaze TV.
Perpetuating the problem
While on air, Beck took issue with a recent speech that the former first lady gave at the Obama Foundation summit in Chicago, in which she talked about the “white flight” she said she observed as a child. “White flight” is the concept that when black families start moving into neighborhoods, white residents begin to flee.
“I can’t make people not afraid of black people,” she said.
To Beck, that was a patently racist statement. But, in order to flesh out his take on Obama’s commentary, he began by changing the wording a bit.
“I can’t make people not afraid of white people,” Beck said. “I don’t know what’s going on. I can’t explain what’s happening in your head. But maybe if I show up every day as a human — a good human, doing good things, loving your kids — well, maybe, just maybe, that will work to pick away at the scabs of your discrimination.”
Gaining critical perspective
Beck then noted that Obama’s line — “I can’t make people not afraid of black people” — “works both ways.” He continued:
Well, yeah you can, you can. You can help, you can help by not attacking all white people. By not saying that all white people are bad. By not saying — and being more like your husband was saying but not necessarily doing, but like your husband said, you know every time you make a mistake it doesn’t mean you’re a bad person. It just makes you feel better, but it doesn’t help anything. It doesn’t help anything.
Beck’s mention of Barack Obama was in reference to comments the former president made during the same event at which his wifte appeared. He surprised many liberal commentators by blasting the ‘cancel culture’ so pervasive on the left these days, asserting, “that’s not activism.”
Ultimately, Beck argued that the problem is that Mrs. Obama has such tunnel vision when it comes to race relations that she is unable to appreciate that when viewed from a different perspective, her words actually exacerbate the problem and inflame the discourse on the subject.
The consequence
According to Beck, viewpoints such as those expressed by Michelle Obama actually result in “reverse discrimination.”
“But right now, we are in reverse discrimination,” he said. “And even that is proof of it. Because you’re saying there is no such thing as reverse discrimination because of the hierarchy. It doesn’t make any sense, it doesn’t make any sense. If we all are created equal and we’re all the same, then you should — two wrongs don’t make a right. But maybe that’s — maybe that’s just me.”
No, Mr. Beck — your analysis is spot on.
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