It’s now being reported that Nancy Pelosi has caved on impeachment and will announce that she’s beginning formal proceedings:
Very solid #Dem House leadership source just confirmed to me that @SpeakerPelosi will announce a formal impeachment inquiry this afternoon and imply that she herself favors impeachment of @realDonaldTrump.
— Howard Fineman (@howardfineman) September 24, 2019
A House Democrat tells me it’s “very likely” that Pelosi will announce a formal impeachment inquiry this afternoon and signal her own support for impeachment.
— Jennifer Bendery (@jbendery) September 24, 2019
Pelosi has been telling members she’d launch a formal impeachment inquiry today or Thursday, per this Dem member.
— Jennifer Bendery (@jbendery) September 24, 2019
We told you it was only a matter of time before Pelosi caved to impeachment proceedings and now it looks like it’s definitely going to happen.
It’s what Nancy Pelosi has been wanting since Trump took office. She said this literally one month after Trump took office:
Here’s Rubio talking about how the word ‘impeachment’ has lost all meaning:
Sen. Marco Rubio: “It is possible to do something that is wrong and not be an impeachable offense and people are throwing that term around so loosely it’s lost all meaning”
Never count on me, @MarcoRubio! The United States don’t need you as leader in my lifetime #impeachment
— Mirosława Štern® RMX (@Generacija78) September 24, 2019
It’ll be a good thing for Trump’s reelection if this reporting is true and Pelosi formally announces impeachment proceedings. The left has been clear from the beginning that they wanted to impeach Trump and anyone will clear eyes will see that this is nothing more than a witch hunt and presidential harassment.

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