As President Donald Trump faces an impeachment inquiry over the so-called whistleblower scandal, columnist and Fox News contributor Andrew Napolitano has taken to claiming that Trump broke the law by asking Ukraine’s president to investigate Joe Biden.
“It is a crime for the president to solicit aid for his campaign from a foreign government,” Napolitano told Fox’s Shepard Smith on Tuesday, according to The Hill. But it’s not the first time that Napolitano, on the basis of no evidence, has leveraged such flimsy accusations.
Judge Nap’s history with hoaxes
Throughout the Russia hoax, Napolitano made numerous inaccurate and false claims about Trump’s legal liability, Breitbart’s Joel Pollak reports. Before the left moved on from Russia to Ukraine, Napolitano lent his legal credentials to trumpeting the president’s demise on charges of collusion or obstruction — but the judge apparently didn’t have all his ducks in a row.
In January, Judge Nap told Smith that Robert Mueller (remember him?) would find collusion because the Trump campaign “had a connection to Russian intelligence.” In February, Napolitano told Smith that a phone call between Trump and acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker was an attempt to obstruct the Russia investigation, a claim that he repeated in April when the report landed.
Napolitano later went on a rant accusing Trump of “immoral…criminal…defenseless…[and] condemnable” conduct. And after Mueller’s cryptic press conference in May, Napolitano claimed that Mueller wanted to indict Trump, but could not because of Justice Department policy.
The judge judges too soon
But neither of these claims proved true. Mueller contradicted the latter claim about charging Trump during his disastrous testimony in July, telling Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) that his office simply did not make a determination on whether Trump committed a crime, according to The Washington Examiner.
And in the report itself, at his press conference, and his congressional hearing, Mueller declined to say whether Trump obstructed justice, contradicting Napolitano and many Democrats who claimed that Trump obstructed justice.
Moreover, Pollak reports, back in December of 2018, Napolitano claimed that Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen (remember him?) had implicated Trump in a campaign finance crime involving “hush money” payments to Stormy Daniels. But as the Russia scandal faded, the Southern District of New York delivered a demoralizing blow to the #Resistance in July: they would be bringing no charges.
Stormy Daniels and her lawyer, Michael Avenatti, have since exited the stage along with Michael Cohen, Robert Mueller, and the rest of the #Resistance puppets.
Wait, who’s the criminal here?
The Russia story has now been almost completely forgotten as the media turns to the latest hoax: as it turns out, the smoking gun of Trump’s criminality wasn’t in Moscow, but Kiev the whole time. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) officially launched an impeachment inquiry Tuesday after Trump admitted to asking Ukraine’s president to investigate Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, over dubious business dealings in the country.
But the greatest irony of all is that Napolitano, by leaping in bed with the mainstream media liars, is helping to shield Joe Biden and his philandering coke-fiend son from scrutiny. Mysteriously, Democrats think it’s a crime that President Trump asked Ukraine to investigate what looks like some pretty blatant pay-to-play politics.
After getting kicked out of the Navy for cocaine abuse, and later sleeping with his dead brother’s wife, the totally upstanding Hunter Biden forged a lucrative business partnership in Ukraine with the nuclear company Burisma Holdings — despite having no experience in the region. His father, then the vice president — who just so happened to be President Obama’s diplomat to Ukraine at the time — later threatened to withhold aid from Ukraine if they did not fire a prosecutor who was investigating Hunter’s company.
These are facts, but Democrats want to impale Trump over a phone call — the transcript of which nobody, Napolitano included, could read until Trump released it Wednesday. Now Trump (like all criminals obviously do) has released the transcript for all to read. A cursory glance will show that there’s no there there.
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