That’s ‘absolutely ridiculous’: Gidley pushes back on Fox host’s suggestion that Trump’s speech ‘leads to violence’

Stunning Fox’s conservative viewers, a Fox News anchor parroted the leftist narrative and pressed one of President Donald Trump’s staffers on whether Trump is driving “hatred” with his rhetoric.

Deputy press secretary Hogan Gidley appeared on Fox this week to discuss the recent mass shootings in Texas and Ohio, but he may as well have given an interview on MSNBC.


According to the Washington Examiner, Fox’s Melissa Francis asked Gidley whether Trump played any role in gun violence like the shooting in El Paso that killed 20 last weekend:

You don’t think it plays any part in the hatred or the violence or any of the back-and-forth? You don’t think — the accusation is that the culture he foments at his rallies leads to this kind of violence. How do you respond to that?

Gidley responded with an outraged “no.” He added:

That is absolutely ridiculous. We do not blame, nor do we even dream of blaming Elizabeth Warren for the shooter in Ohio who wanted to vote for her. The supporter of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who carried out a terrorist attack, trying to blow up a DHS I.C.E. Facility, using her language of concentration camps.

The El Paso shooting was linked with an anti-immigrant manifesto that mentioned a “Hispanic invasion” of Texas. Less than a day later, a leftist in Dayton, Ohio, killed nine people. Before Americans had any time to make sense of the back-to-back tragedies, liberals politicized the massacres and quickly blamed Trump for the gun violence.

With almost violent fervor, the left has called for a crackdown on an alleged “white supremacist” threat being stoked and encouraged by Trump. Even former President Barack Obama weighed in, effectively accusing Trump of being a megaphone for racism.

On the other hand, the Dayton shooter reportedly expressed support for Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), socialism, and open borders. However, the partisan media has focused on attacking Trump over the El Paso shooting.

Meanwhile, last month, an antifa terrorist died in a failed attack on an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) facility in Washington state. The attack came amid a furor on immigration that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) helped stir up when she labeled immigrant detention centers “concentration camps.” Referring to the black nationalist sniper who killed police officers in 2016, Gidley added:

We don’t blame Barack Obama for the death of Dallas police officers. That is ridiculous. We wouldn’t dream of doing it and we cannot apply that standard to us and ignored in the Democratic side.

Gidley slams Obama

Francis asked Gidley if it would be “helpful” for everyone on all sides to tone it down. Gidley said that Trump was “very clear” when he condemned white nationalism in a White House speech on Monday and recommended solutions for combating gun violence, like “red flag” laws. Asked by Francis about Obama’s “veiled jab” at Trump in a lengthy Twitter post condemning the president — without naming him — for spreading racism, Gidley took an opportunity to slam Obama:

If only Barack Obama was in a place to make a difference at some point in his life. Wait a minute, he was president of the United States!

Watch Gidley’s fiery response below:

The left politicizes tragedy

Leftists were quick to blame Trump, and all his supporters, as complicit in a flare-up of “white supremacist” violence after the El Paso massacre. Things have quickly spiraled out of control: amidst the furor, no less than the New York Times changed a fairly neutral headline about Trump under pressure from the left — because it didn’t go far enough to blame him.

Meanwhile, angry liberals feel free to make threats against Republicans and Trump voters. A mob assembled outside the home of Republican Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and threatened to stab him, while Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX) actually published the names and employers of 44 Trump donors from his own district.

Do liberals realize what they’re saying when they blame millions of Americans for the actions of one sick individual? By dehumanizing their fellow citizens, leftists are creating an unsustainable and dangerous political environment. And they call Trump the divisive one?

That’s ‘absolutely ridiculous’: Gidley pushes back on Fox host’s suggestion that Trump’s speech ‘leads to violence’ That’s ‘absolutely ridiculous’: Gidley pushes back on Fox host’s suggestion that Trump’s speech ‘leads to violence’ Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on August 07, 2019 Rating: 5

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