Fox Business host Trish Regan calls for Trump to buck NRA, impose gun restrictions

In the wake of two deadly mass shootings in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio, there were numerous (and predictable) calls for more gun control laws by Democrats and their media allies.

Far less predictable was President Donald Trump’s apparent openness to considering some gun control proposals, such as expanded background checks and so-called “red flag” confiscation laws. And shockingly, one popular Fox Business host even cheered the president on, encouraging him to embrace further restrictions on the Second Amendment.

Trump’s “Nixon in China moment”

Breitbart reported that Fox Business primetime host Trish Regan began a Friday segment of her self-titled program by showing a clip of President Trump expressing his willingness to consider certain gun control measures — particularly in regard to those struggling with mental health — after which the host said plainly: “Thank you, President Trump.”

“Thank you for saying that, because you know what, it needs to be said. You don’t want people who are mentally ill having guns or access to guns,” Regan said.

In fact, according to Regan, “this could be this president’s Nixon in China moment.” Former President Richard Nixon had successfully opened up the isolated communist regime to the West for diplomacy and trade, a feat often considered to be his greatest accomplishment.

“The funny thing about all this — not that there’s anything funny about it, because this is very serious — but I do imagine, right about now, the [National Rifle Association] is wishing President [Barack] Obama was still in office, right?” Regan quipped. “Because who would have thought that a conservative, endorsed by the NRA, would actually be out there looking at so many common-sense measures and reforms.”

Calls for gun control mount

Regan went on to discuss the issue with John Fredericks, a syndicated radio talk show host and member of Trump’s 2020 Advisory Board, who suggested that it would be beneficial “politically” for the president to “stand up” to the NRA and “other bully gun lobbies” that are singularly focused on protecting the Second Amendment from infringements.

Fredericks also suggested that Trump and Republicans could very well lose in 2020 if they fail to do anything legislatively to address gun violence and mass shootings, an assertion that Regan seemed to agree with.

“I think that, politically speaking, there’s an opportunity to do something in a way that is the right thing to do for the country, the right thing to do for society at this point in time,” Regan said. “It’s the right thing to do if you’re looking to bridge that gap right now with suburban moms who, like me, are trying to hide the newspapers from their kids.”

Regan also expressed her support not only for universal background checks, but also for a so-called “assault weapons” ban, which she ludicrously asserted would not be an infringement on the Second Amendment.

Short-sighted political calculus

It was readily apparent that, despite her claim to support gun rights, Regan has a low opinion of firearms and the right of individuals to keep and bear them. Furthermore, her stated support for Trump to impose more gun control came across as a purely political calculation to try and win support for Trump from “suburban moms” and others who may be sitting on the fence about gun control.

However, it is entirely unclear if Trump doing anything in regard to gun control would actually succeed in winning the support of “suburban moms” and other fence-sitters, while it is crystal clear that any additional restrictions on gun rights will cost the president a sizeable chunk of support among his otherwise solid base of support.

It looks like Regan’s political calculus is likely to be short-sighted and just plain wrong.

Fox Business host Trish Regan calls for Trump to buck NRA, impose gun restrictions Fox Business host Trish Regan calls for Trump to buck NRA, impose gun restrictions Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on August 11, 2019 Rating: 5

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