Tit For Tat? Trump Blows Paul Ryan Out Of The Water After A Reporter Asks Stupid Question

This morning Trump was asked about Paul Ryan and the recent criticism by Ryan in a new book coming out next week. The book is by a Politico reporter, which quotes Ryan criticizing Trump.

First, here’s what Ryan is quoted as saying in the book:

FOX NEWS – “American Carnage,” written by Politico’s Tim Alberta and set for release on Tuesday, reportedly describes Ryan as allergic to the idea of spending another two years with the president but willing to spend the time he had with Trump in order to “get his mind right.”

“Because, I’m telling you, he didn’t know anything about government . . . I wanted to scold him all the time,” Ryan said, according to Alberta.

Well that’s probably true, but Trump was not a politician before he ran for office.

It continues:

Ryan reportedly said that while he was in office, he and others helped Trump avoid making poor decisions. That seemed to be changing, Ryan said, noting that Trump was increasingly willing to reject Republican calls for moderation.

“Those of us around him really helped to stop him from making bad decisions. All the time,” Ryan said.

“We helped him make much better decisions, which were contrary to kind of what his knee-jerk reaction was. Now I think he’s making some of these knee-jerk reactions.”

Fast forward to this morning when Trump was asked about this by a reporter. He unleashed on Ryan in a very Trumpian way:

I don’t necessarily disagree with Trump, although the thing that stands out in my mind is the Obamacare failure and wall funding. They may have gotten taxes done together -and a very moderate tax plan it was that will expire in years to come- but they failed on Obamacare and funding the border wall. While McCain may have been the deciding vote in the Senate on Obamacare, what Ryan was trying to shovel out of the House in 2017 was garbage and Trump was with him on that.

Trump is right though that Ryan wasn’t a great leader. He was far more like Boehner than I was hoping, siding more with moderates than conservatives, and I don’t think he’s missed in the House now that he’s gone.


Tit For Tat? Trump Blows Paul Ryan Out Of The Water After A Reporter Asks Stupid Question Tit For Tat? Trump Blows Paul Ryan Out Of The Water After A Reporter Asks Stupid Question Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on July 12, 2019 Rating: 5

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