Devin Nunes: ‘Dirty cops’ involved in Trump-Russia collusion hoax ‘better go to jail’

California Rep. Devin Nunes (R), who has spent the last several years doggedly digging to find the truth behind the allegations of Trump-Russia collusion, says it’s high time for the perpetrators of the collusion hoax to face justice.

In an interview with Fox News’ Bill Hemmer, Nunes said that if the “dirty cops” in the FBI and Department of Justice (DOJ) aren’t held accountable with jail time, Republicans will lose faith in federal law enforcement.

“Look, I say this not because I’m proud to say it, but these are all a bunch of dirty cops,” Nunes asserted. “And I’ll tell you, some of them better go to jail or we’re going to go down in a spiral in this country, because you will not have a Republican that will trust the FBI or Department of Justice for generations to come.”

Justice is coming

Nunes, the ranking member on the House Intelligence Committee, made his remarks during a 30-minute interview with Hemmer on his Hemmer Time podcast on Fox News Radio, where the duo discussed the investigations and counter-investigations into alleged ties between now-President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign team and the Kremlin, as well as Robert Mueller’s upcoming testimony before the House Intelligence and Judiciary Committees on the subject.

Nunes soon brought up Christoper Steele, the former British spy contracted by Democrat-aligned Fusion GPS in 2016 to compile the now-infamous Trump-Russia dossier who was recently interviewed by the DOJ inspector general. According to Nunes, details of that secret interview were leaked by certain figures in the media, who also need to be held accountable.

“The media is culpable in all of this,” Nunes said, insinuating that the “Russia hoaxers” had spoken with Steele themselves to try and frame the narrative in their favor. “This is just an absolute joke, and at some point, the media is going to have to be held accountable, especially the ones that are official Russia hoaxers.”

Nunes went on to say that there are “probably a good three-to-four dozen major media folks that are Russia hoaxers, and it’s an embarrassment to the profession, but worse than that, it has degraded the ability of the press.” In fact, Nunes said, most of those involved probably knew the whole thing was a lie from the start.

On Mueller’s upcoming testimony, Nunes said he plans to ask the special counsel about the inclusion of attorney Andrew Weissmann as Mueller’s principal deputy, in light of evidence that Weissmann was involved in the “chain of custody” that perpetuated the now-disproven claims outlined in the Steele dossier.

As for what Nunes thinks Democrats will ask in the hearing, the congressman said he believes Dems were hoping for “a 20-second soundbite of Mueller saying nasty things that make the president look bad.”

An “obstruction of justice trap”

Congressman Nunes made it abundantly clear that he strongly believes the Trump-Russia collusion narrative was nothing more than an “obstruction of justice trap” from start to finish, as Democrats have long been looking for an excuse to remove President Trump from office.

While this plan didn’t work, it’s only a matter of time before another less-than-credible allegation from the left provides a hurdle between Trump and his mission of making America great again.

The only way to ensure this doesn’t happen again is to hold those responsible accountable. Luckily, Republicans in Washington like Nunes are doing their best to make that a reality.

Devin Nunes: ‘Dirty cops’ involved in Trump-Russia collusion hoax ‘better go to jail’ Devin Nunes: ‘Dirty cops’ involved in Trump-Russia collusion hoax ‘better go to jail’ Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on July 14, 2019 Rating: 5

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