Dems will lose House if they move foward with impeachment, Sean Spicer warns

If House Speaker Nancy Pelosi fails to assert her authority over the radical upstarts within the House of Representatives, the Democratic Party could lose its tenuous majority in 2020, according to a former Trump administration official.

Former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer believes that continuous efforts to impeach President Donald Trump without cause will cost Democrats their House majority. Based on recent polling, the rest of America agrees.

A failed endeavor

Spicer appeared on “America’s Newsroom” with Fox News anchors Bill Hemmer and Heather Childers to discuss Democratic Rep. Al Green’s (Texas) third attempt at impeaching Trump. The maverick congressman accused the president of committing a “high misdemeanor” and bringing “contempt, ridicule, disgrace, and disrepute” upon the office of the presidency.

“The president has committed an impeachable offense,” Green said Wednesday from the House floor. He was specifically pointing to a tweet where Trump told four liberal congresswomen of color to “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.”

Go ahead: make my day

Spicer said that Green’s effort to bring articles of impeachment were “clearly politically motivated” and that Democrats are “trapped” trying to appease and “kowtow” to radical elements from within their party.

Green’s third attempt to impeach Trump was doomed to fail. The House voted 332-95 to table the resolution, with Democrats opposing the measure 3 to 2.

Pelosi has consistently opposed insurgent efforts from within her party to repeat failed attempts to impeach the president. She believes that House committees should first build a sustainable case against Trump before challenging him, especially with a Republican majority in the Senate.

“We have six committees that are working on following the facts in terms of any abuse of power [and] obstruction of justice, and the rest that the president may have engaged in,” she told reporters on Wednesday.

Spicer, who resigned as Trump’s press secretary after just six months on the job, believes that Trump is only made stronger each time Democrats attempt to remove him from office. “At the end of the day, they recognize that — Nancy Pelosi more than anyone recognizes that — they will clearly lose the House of Representatives and they will probably guarantee the president’s re-election if they continue to move forward with this,” Spicer stated.

A radical minority

The former communications director said that those seeking Trump’s impeachment are not representative of “the majority of Americans by any stretch of the imagination.”  In fact, Spicer added that he would “fathom it’s not the majority of Democrats.”

While 95 Democrats voted to move forward with impeachment, 137 of their progressive colleagues voted to table the resolution. Likewise, a Quinnipiac University Poll published in June found that 61 percent of Americans are opposed to impeaching the president.

“So, they’re really walking this fine line of trying to appease the far-left base of their party and recognize their prospects of maintaining a majority are very, very, slim if they continue to go too much more forward,” Spicer predicted.

For his part, Trump rejoiced in the Democrats failed attempt to remove him from office. “The United States House of Representatives has just overwhelmingly voted to kill the Resolution on Impeachment, 332-95-1,” he tweeted on Wednesday. “This is perhaps the most ridiculous and time-consuming project I have ever had to work on.”

Dems will lose House if they move foward with impeachment, Sean Spicer warns Dems will lose House if they move foward with impeachment, Sean Spicer warns Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on July 20, 2019 Rating: 5

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