Latest CNN Poll Shows OVERWHELMING MAJORITY Want An Investigation Into Obama’s Illegal Spying On Trump!

A new poll from CNN is bad news for Obama and the Democratic Party. With the Mueller report complete and the Russian collusion narrative collapsed, Americans seem ready to move on.

“The American public increasingly feels that Democrats in Congress are going too far in investigating the President,” CNN reports. “44% say Democrats are doing too much on that score, up from 38% saying so in March. That shift stems largely from independents, 46% of whom now say congressional Democrats are going too far.” And that was before Democrats wasted a whole day moaning and groaning about Attorney General William Barr’s memo about the Mueller report, which Robert Mueller told Barr was accurate.

But the most interesting part of the is that “69% think Congress ought to investigate the origins of the Justice Department’s inquiry into Russian interference in the 2016 election, including 76% of Democrats, 69% of independents and 62% of Republicans.” In other words, an overwhelming majority of Americans believe that the Obama Justice Department’s actions in 2016 should be investigated.  The American people want answers about the Steele dossier, the FISA court approval of the wiretap, everything. What did Obama know, and when did he know it? Why did the Obama administration not do more to prevent or stop Russian cyber attacks?

As John Nolte at Breitbart explains, this was a poll of random adults and such polls tend to skew left, but they are “useful in looking at trends, and this poll shows that the trends are almost all moving in Trump’s direction.” He continues:

That 69 percent number, though, that is the real news here. What we have, even during these polarized times, is the unified belief the Department of Justice needs to be investigated, which is exactly what Attorney general Bill Barr and Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC) have promised to do, which is why the media are already working overtime to smear Bill Barr.

We saw how Bill Clinton’s impeachment actually improved his poll numbers, so it is easy to infer from the polling trends we’re seeing now that even if Democrats don’t pursue impeachment, endless investigations are likely to work in President’s Trump favor. If Senate Republicans do their jobs and thoroughly investigate Obama-era abuses of power that led to the illegal spying on Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, we could see the tide turn even more in Trump’s favor in 2020.

Via PJMedia

Latest CNN Poll Shows OVERWHELMING MAJORITY Want An Investigation Into Obama’s Illegal Spying On Trump! Latest CNN Poll Shows OVERWHELMING MAJORITY Want An Investigation Into Obama’s Illegal Spying On Trump! Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on May 02, 2019 Rating: 5

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