Say What Now?! Maxine Waters Says All The Evidence Needed To Impeach Trump Is On ‘Facepage’ And ‘Tweeters’

“I and my staff began to look very closely at this president early on.”

Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., said Sunday that the Mueller report confirmed what she had long ago discovered through her own internet browsing on “Facepage” and “Tweeter.”

Speaking to MSNBC’s Joy Reid on Easter morning, Waters inaccurately declared that Special Counsel Robert Mueller had turned up proof that President Donald Trump had colluded with the Russians and obstructed justice. She said Democrats should impeach him on both counts.

“The fact of the matter is I think that when you look at this report, you can see that there’s enough information there not only on obstruction of justice, but also on collusion or conspiracy, whatever you want to call it, to move forward with impeachment on this president.”

Despite reading made-up bombshells into the findings of the nearly two-year probe – which actually failed to find evidence of collusion and remained neutral on the question of obstruction – Waters purported to be unsurprised.

“You take a close look at this report and you will be shocked at the information that’s unfolding. I’m not shocked because I and my staff began to look very closely at this president early on, and when we looked at all of his allies and the people who were connected with him, and with [Russian President Vladimir] Putin and the Kremlin, and with the oligarchs of Russia, we determined something was very wrong, and we dubbed them the ‘Kremlin clan,’” she said.

“The Kremlin clan, as identified, has been on my ‘Facepage,’ on ‘Tweeter,’ for almost two years. We know who they are, and this report only confirms that.”

Reid, who along with MSNBC colleague Rachel Maddow has been a leading media monger of Trump-Russia conspiracy theories, offered no pushback on Waters’ falsehoods, nor did she ask her to clarify her supposed findings. Rather, she egged on the veteran congresswoman, noting approving that she had been one of the first Democrats to call for impeachment.

Seeing that her spy-craft was being appreciated, Waters sputtered on for the benefit of her millennial fans. While Waters said she would tolerate the various investigations of the president being conducted by her fellow House Democrats, she expressed confusion as to why they were necessary.

“If we cannot decide, if the Democrats cannot decide, that they’re gonna move with impeachment, I guess they’re gonna go on with these investigations. How long are they going to go on with them? What more do they need to prove?” she said. “I can only tell you I for one have been for impeachment for a long time. I’m gonna continue to be for impeachment. I think he should’ve impeached a long time ago, and the American people are waiting on us to provide the leadership.”

Via Pluralist

Say What Now?! Maxine Waters Says All The Evidence Needed To Impeach Trump Is On ‘Facepage’ And ‘Tweeters’ Say What Now?! Maxine Waters Says All The Evidence Needed To Impeach Trump Is On ‘Facepage’ And ‘Tweeters’ Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on April 23, 2019 Rating: 5

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