Rush Limbaugh: Hillary Clinton is the one who should be indicted for Russia collusion

Appearing on Fox News Channel’s The Story with Martha MacCallum, radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh lashed out at Hillary Clinton for calling on Congress to impeach the president.

If anyone deserves to be “investigated,” “indicted,” and sent to “jail” for colluding with Russia, Limbaugh insisted, it is Clinton.

Lock her up 2.0

“This is the irony: Hillary Clinton is who tried to rig a presidential election, Martha,” Limbaugh said during his Tuesday interview. “Hillary Clinton and her pals in the Obama Department of Justice and their pals in the FBI — they are the ones who colluded with the Russians. They are the ones that gave us this entirely bogus Steele dossier.”

Limbaugh was referring to the opposition research collected by former British spy Christopher Steele on behalf of the Clinton campaign. That research included false intelligence provided by Russian operatives that, ironically, was later used as a pretense to investigate the Trump administration for alleged collusion with Russia.

Clinton paid a law firm, Perkins Coie, to hire the intelligence firm Fusion GPS, who in turn paid Steele to collect dirt on then-candidate Trump. The British spy approached “a senior Russian Foreign Ministry figure” and “a former top-level intelligence officer still active in the Kremlin,” who each lavished Steele with false and compromising information about the Republican presidential nominee.

“Who’s working with Russians? Steele, Hillary’s guy,” Limbaugh insisted. “They are working with the Russians… The dossier traces right back to Hillary and her campaign in the DNC.”

And the conservative radio host isn’t the only political pundit who believes that the Clinton campaign conspired with Russia to influence the presidential race.

“Imagine if [former Trump attorney Michael] Cohen, or another lawyer paid by the Trump campaign and Republican National Committee, had hired a former British spy with campaign money to collect dirt on Clinton from Russian intelligence and foreign ministry officials,” Washington Post columnist Marc Thiessen wrote in August.

Collusion delusion

Despite her own ties with Russia, Clinton had the temerity during the “Time 100 Summit” in New York on Tuesday to suggest that Congress should consider impeaching Trump for obstruction of justice. She said that anyone but the president “would certainly have been indicted” for obstruction, but insisted that Trump was spared based on a Justice Department technicality.

“You want to talk about irony — for Hillary Clinton to be talking about impeaching Donald Trump,” Limbaugh said. “Hillary needs to be investigated, she needs to be indicted, and she needs to be in jail, [as do] any of her co-conspirators in this whole sordid affair, which amounted to nothing more than a silent coup to overturn the election results of 2016.”

He added: “Hillary Clinton talking about Trump — you talk about sour grapes. This is a woman who has been rejected by the American people twice, rejected by her party in 2008, she had to rig the primaries against crazy Bernie in 2016 to get the nomination. She is the last person who ought to be listened to about what ought to happen to Donald Trump.”

Limbaugh’s analysis is spot on. And yet, a growing number of Democrats are currently considering articles of impeachment to go after the president for defending himself from this radical attempt to overthrow his administration. Where is the justice?

Rush Limbaugh: Hillary Clinton is the one who should be indicted for Russia collusion Rush Limbaugh: Hillary Clinton is the one who should be indicted for Russia collusion Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on April 24, 2019 Rating: 5

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