Ocasio-Cortez compares climate change skeptics to civil rights protesters

Democratic-socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) has resorted to shaming elderly Americans as a means to advance her radical environmental agenda. Addressing her supporters while assembling furniture in an Instagram live video, Ocasio-Cortez compared Americans who disagree with her climate change doomsday scenario with anti-civil rights movement protestors.  

“How many years until the world ends again? We have 12 years left to cut emissions by at least 50% if not more,” Ocasio-Cortez claimed. 

Apples and oranges

Munching on a child-sized bag of fruit snacks while crouching on the ground and affecting millennial “uptalk” — where every sentence sounds like an insecure question — it is hard to believe that the congresswoman’s monologue wasn’t a self-parody. However, Ocasio-Cortez was dead serious.

“For everyone who wants to make a joke about that, you may laugh but your grandkids will not,” she said.

Of course they won’t. Younger generations have been indoctrinated to treat climate change as an article of faith. AOC’s alarmist theories are accepted as indisputable fact, while any evidence pointing to a non-apocalyptic outcome for humankind is dismissed as propaganda.

Next, Ocasio-Cortez suggested that there are “a lot of people” who are ashamed of their grandparents’ past. She ‘splained:

You look back and you open history books on the civil rights movement and you see those folks who are protesting against the ability for African-Americans and black Americans to have the right to vote and they would hold up these bigoted signs. Just know that in the present day, there are a lot of people who hide the fact that their families and that their grandparents fought against principles of equal rights in the United States.

You can watch for yourself below:

Take a look, it’s in a book

Speaking of opening a history book, AOC would be wise to re-examine the 1964 Civil Rights Act before using it as a political device to shame her conservative critics. After all, it was Democrats who led a 74-day filibuster to avoid voting on the legislation, and when it finally came time to vote on the civil rights bill, 76 percent of the members of Congress to vote “no” were Democrats.

And to be clear, the parties did not magically “switch” in the aftermath of the Civil Rights Act. It wasn’t until 1994 that Republicans won a majority of congressional seats in the South, the region where most of the Democratic “no” votes originated. 

The end is near!

Finally, Ocasio-Cortez insisted that the grandchildren of “bigoted” climate change deniers will hold their ancestors in contempt for refusing to buy into global warming scare tactics. Because the internet.

“The internet documents everything and your grandchildren will not be able to hide the fact that you fought against acknowledging and taking bold action on climate change. And, people who are trying to mock and delay this moment. I mean, I just feel bad for you. I just pity you for your role in history right now,” Ocasio-Cortez said.

In fact, AOC’s frantic race against an imaginary climate change clock is worthy of mockery. Even the alarmist UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change disagrees with the 12-year deadline cited by the freshman congresswoman.

“For some reason, the media latched onto the 12 years, presumably because they thought that it helped to get across the message of how quickly we are approaching this and hence how urgently we need action. Unfortunately, this has led to a complete mischaracterization of what the report said,” said Andrea Dutton, a paleoclimate researcher at the University of Florida.

When confronted with the fact that AOC’s dire warnings are too extreme for even the extremists at the UN, Ocasio-Cortez spokesman Corbin Trent was patronizing and dismissive. “We can quibble about the phraseology, whether it’s existential or cataclysmic,” he said, adding, “We’re seeing lots of problems that are already impacting lives.”

The very essence of scientific inquiry requires that assumptions are challenged. This is precisely how a flat earth became round, and a geocentric model of the solar system became a heliocentric one. Yet, liberal politicians like AOC who masquerade as quasi-scientists take for granted that their millennial constituents will suspend disbelief and swallow their spurious climate predictions.

Besides, if climate deniers should be afraid of their internet legacy, pro-abortion activists should be downright terrified by the future.

Ocasio-Cortez compares climate change skeptics to civil rights protesters Ocasio-Cortez compares climate change skeptics to civil rights protesters Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on April 05, 2019 Rating: 5

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