Sorry Kamala, Looks Like Your 2020 Dreams Are Going To End Abruptly!

Democrat Kamala Harris could be kicked off the Senate Judiciary Committee as Senate Republicans consider reducing the size of the 21-member committee ahead of the transition to the new Congress.

Harris could be booted because the first-term senator is the Senate Judiciary Committee’s most junior member, Fox News reported. Predictably, Harris is fighting the move because it provides a high-profile stage for her showboating antics ahead of her rumored 2020 presidential run.

Source: Democrat Kamala Harris Compares ICE To KKK by BPR

Democrats are negotiating with Republicans to keep the committee at 21 members, or are trying to convince a more-senior Democrat to step down so Harris could take their place.

Naturally, Democrats played the Race Card in a bid to keep Harris’ seat. Brian Fallon — the former press secretary for Hillary Clinton’s disastrous 2016 presidential campaign — puffed:

“Not only would it be unconscionable to remove the only African-American woman from the committee, but Sen. Harris also is the most skilled questioner on the entire panel.

Whatever options they need to consider, removing Harris should not be one of them. The backlash would be intense.”

Kamala Harris of California raised her national profile by ruthlessly attacking Brett Kavanaugh during his Supreme Court confirmation hearings — which were marred by dubious, unsubstantiated accusations of sexual misconduct.

More recently, Harris was widely slammed after comparing ICE agents to the Ku Klux Klan. In reality, more than 51% of ICE agents are Hispanic. Let that sink in.

As the 2020 elections loom on the horizon, Senator Harris is apparently trying to buy votes by promoting taxpayer-funded gravy trains that experts say will fuel unemployment.

While giving away money sounds fantastic (who doesn’t like free stuff?), Democrats never consider how to finance their socialist programs without padding the already-massive $21 trillion US national debt.

In July 2018, Harris introduced a bill called the Rent Relief Act, which would “give money back” to renters with minimum-wage jobs who pay more than 30% of their monthly income on rent and utilities.

That covers tens of millions of people. Even high-income individuals typically spend about 30% of their gross monthly income on rent or a mortgage.

Apparently, the idea of living in a less-expensive apartment or taking a roommate is a foreign concept to liberals. But under Kamala Harris’ plan, you don’t have to live on a budget because someone else will pay your rent for you.

Democrat Senators Dianne Feinstein, Richard Blumenthal and Maggie Hassan support these liberal “free stuff” gimmicks that are transparent stunts to buy votes.

It’s no coincidence that these “free stuff” ploys are coming fast and furious in the run-up to the 2020 elections.


Sorry Kamala, Looks Like Your 2020 Dreams Are Going To End Abruptly! Sorry Kamala, Looks Like Your 2020 Dreams Are Going To End Abruptly! Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on November 26, 2018 Rating: 5

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